摘要: 为掌握长江中游某染料化工污染地块土壤中苯系物分布特征,对地块17个地下水样品和343个土壤样品进行了测定。结果表明:地下水和土壤苯系物分布区域一致,污染具有同源性;地块地势平坦,土壤水平渗透性差,污染物扩散范围有限。受土壤防污性能影响,苯,间、对-二甲苯及邻-二甲苯主要在7.2 m深度以上土壤中检出;3种物质在土壤中主要以轻质非水相液体(LNAPL)存在,在地下水水位附近出现聚集,在饱和带以溶解态继续向下迁移扩散。土壤中氯苯主要以重质非水相液体(DNAPL)存在,其浓度大,迁移深度深,与氯苯在土壤中存在形态、迁移时间以及地质条件有关。后续修复工程中,建议浅部污染土采用异位常温解吸和化学氧化联合修复技术,深部污染土和受污染地下水一同采用原位化学氧化修复技术。Abstract: In order to understand the distribution characteristics of benzene series(BTEX) in the soil of a dye chemical pollution site in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, 17 groundwater samples and 343 soil samples were determined. The results showed that:the distribution of BTEX in groundwater and soil was consistent, and the pollution had homology; due to the flat terrain and poor horizontal permeability of soil, the diffusion range of pollutants was limited. Influenced by soil anti-pollution performance, benzene, m,p-xylene and o-xylene were mainly detected in soil layer above 7.2 m, the three substances mainly existed as light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) in the soil, and they accumulated near the groundwater level, and continued to migrate in the saturated zone in dissolved state. Chlorobenzene mainly existed in soil as heavy nonaqueous liquid (DNAPL), the concentration of chlorobenzene in soil was higher, and the depth of migration was deeper, related to the form, migration time and geological conditions. It was suggested that the combination of ex-situ normal temperature desorption and chemical oxidation technology should be used for shallow contaminated soil, and in-situ chemical oxidation technology should be used for deep contaminated soil and polluted groundwater, in the remediation project.
Key words:
- soil /
- groundwater /
- dyestuff chemical /
- benzene series /
- space distribution
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