摘要: 为研究以硫酸亚铁铵(FAS)+硫粉(S0)为底物的生物沥浸过程中,污泥的脱水性能及其与胞外聚合物(EPS)中蛋白质(PN)、多糖(PS)的关系,设计了新鲜污泥、新鲜污泥+10%接种物、新鲜污泥+10%接种物+(0,2,4,6 g/L)FAS+(0,2,4,6 g/L)S0的3个实验组进行10 d沥浸实验。结果表明:投加量为4g/L FAS+2 g/L S0,沥浸时间为6 d时污泥脱水性能最佳,污泥比阻(SRF)和黏度较原始污泥分别下降了83.11%和65.74%。EPS中溶解态PN、PS和结合态PN、PS的含量都随沥浸实验的进行而改变,其中溶解态PS与黏度、SRF呈显著负相关(R分别为-0.813、-0.813,P<0.05),说明溶解态PS的含量是影响污泥脱水性能的主要因素。进一步分析得出,溶解态PS总量随沥浸时间延长而升高,其中疏水性PS的占比随之增加,污泥脱水性相应改善。Abstract: To investigate the dewatering performance of sewage sludge and the relationship between dewaterability with protein (PN) and polysaccharide (PS) of extracellular polymers (EPS) in bioleaching process, in which ferrous ammonium sulfate (FAS) and sulfur powder (S0) were supplied as substrates, raw sludge was bioleached with 10% inoculum+(0, 2 g/L, 4 g/L, 6 g/L) FAS+(0 g/L, 2 g/L, 4 g/L, 6 g/L) S0. Meanwhile, the raw sludge and raw sludge with 10% inoculum were designed as control groups. Results showed that the best bioleaching process condition was 4 g/L FAS+2g/L S0 for 6 days, and then SRF and viscosity decreased by 83.11% and 65.74%, respectively. Both dissolved and bound PN and PS content in EPS changed with the bioleaching progress, which influenced the SRF and viscosity of sludge. It was determined that dissolved PS was negatively correlate with SRF and viscosity(R=-0.813、-0.813,P<0.05),suggesting that the content of dissolved PS was the main factor affecting the dewaterability of sludge. Subsequent experiments showed that more hydrophobic PS was produced together with the dissolved PS with the bioleaching progress, contributing to the improvement of dewatering performance of sludge.
Key words:
- sludge dewatering performance /
- FAS+S0 /
- protein /
- polysaccharide /
- hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity
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