摘要: 为初步明确清江流域地下水重金属的健康风险状况,以清江流域地下水为研究对象,选取研究区流量>50L/s的典型泉、地下暗河供水水源为采样点进行取样,测试分析样品中Pb、As、Mn、Cr、Ni、Fe、Cu、Zn、Cd几类重金属的总含量,结合AHP模型,利用美国环保署(USEPA)的水环境健康风险评价模型,对研究区地下水中重金属对成人与儿童两人群人体健康产生的危害进行评估。结果表明:研究区主要超标重金属元素为As、Pb,各段超标程度顺序为下游>上游>中游,各超标重金属均主要来源于人为输入;化学致癌物As、Cr、Cd为研究区地下水健康风险防控元素,区域综合健康风险顺序为下游>上游>中游,儿童为研究区健康风险主要预防人群。Abstract: In order to preliminarily find out the health risk of heavy metals in groundwater of the Qingjiang River, here the springs (with discharge>50 L/s, and applied as the regional water supply source) in the Qingjiang River were sampled and analyzed for Pb, As, Mn, Cr, Ni, Fe, Cu, Zn and Cd concentration. Health risk for adults and children from these heavy metals was evaluate by a water environmental health risk assessment model of the USEPA and AHP model was also combined. It found that concentration of As and Pb exceeded the national standard limit, and their distribution sequence was downstream>upstream>middle, which mainly originated from human input. As, Cr and Cd were the chemical carcinogens and the reginal health risk prevention elements of groundwater. The health risk assessment result was in the sequence of downstream>upstream>middle. Children were the main concerning group of health risk prevention in the study area.
Key words:
- the Qingjiang River /
- groundwater /
- heavy metals /
- health risk assessment
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