摘要: 对农村剩余污泥的脱水性能进行调查,并通过单因素和全面实验法分别对几种药剂的单一和复合调理进行优化。运用响应面法优化不同调理剂组合调理农村剩余污泥的搅拌参数。实验结果表明:不同农村污水处理设施剩余污泥的脱水性能存在较大差异。单一和复合药剂调理都可以明显降低污泥的脱水性能。优化搅拌速度和搅拌时间可以进一步降低污泥的毛细吸水时间(CST)。通过实验对比多种调理剂组合,发现最佳组合为聚合氯化铝(PAC)和聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)组合,搅拌参数为:一级搅拌速度为500 r/min,一级搅拌时间为0.5 min,二级搅拌速度为150 r/min,二级搅拌时间为10 min。该条件下,污泥的CST为10.1 s,调理总费用为10.69元/t污泥(98%含水率)。Abstract: The dewaterability of excess sludge from wastewater treatment facilities in rural areas was investigated, and single factor and comprehensive experimental methods were used to optimize the condition of the sludge with single and compound chemicals. Meanwhile, the stirring parameters were further optimized by applying response surface methods. The experimental results showed the variation dewaterability of the excess sludge between different rural wastewater treatment facilities was quite different. Both single and compound conditioners could significantly reduce the capillary suction time(CST) of sludge and improve the sludge dewatering. The optimization results showed that the suitable stirring speed and stirring time could further reduce the CST of sludge. The best combination was polyaluminium chloride(PAC) and polyacrylamide(PAM), when the first stirring speed and time were 500 r/min and 0.5 min, and the second stirring speed and time were 150 r/min and 10 min, sludge CST value reached 10.1. Additionally, the total cost of the conditioning was equal to RMB 10.69/ton wet sludge with moisture content of 98%.
Key words:
- rural excess sludge /
- sludge dewatering /
- conditioner /
- mixing parameters
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