摘要: 餐饮油烟排放是环境挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)的来源之一,严重威胁着环境空气质量和人类健康。结合餐饮油烟VOCs的组成特征,总结近几年餐饮油烟VOCs净化技术的研究现状及其难点,同时阐述了油烟VOCs净化组合工艺的优势和必要性。最后针对现有问题对油烟VOCs净化组合工艺的发展进行展望,以期为发展绿色高效油烟净化技术提供参考。Abstract: Cooking fume emission is one of the sources of environmental volatile organic compounds(VOCs), which seriously threaten ambient air quality and human health. Combined with the compositions characteristics of cooking fume VOCs, the recent progress and important issues of various purification technologies for cooking fume VOCs were summarized. At the same time, the advantages and necessity of the combined technologies to control the cooking fume VOCs were also given. Finally, in view of the current problems, the developments of the combined technologies to control the cooking fume VOCs were prospected. It could provide references for the development of a green and efficient oil fume purification technology.
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