摘要: 高纯镁砂是众多镁质耐火材料中需求量最大、用途最广的产品之一,但是近年来高纯镁砂生产企业仍面临能源消耗大、污染排放多、污染控制治理难等问题。采用生命周期评价法对高纯镁砂生产“从摇篮到大门”的环境影响进行分析,将整个生产过程分为6个阶段,并选取了12种关键环境影响类型,通过建立物质投入及排放清单,基于eBalance软件进行建模与计算。结果表明:高纯镁砂生产的总环境影响为4.23×10-12,其中GWP是高纯镁砂生产过程中最大的环境影响贡献类型。轻烧阶段、重烧阶段的环境影响贡献最大;其次为细磨阶段、开采阶段、压球阶段;而运输阶段的环境影响贡献很小。Abstract: High-purity magnesia was one of the most demanded and widely used products among many magnesia refractories. However, in recent years, high-purity magnesia manufacturers have faced problems such as high energy consumption, high pollution emissions, and difficulties in pollution control. This study used life cycle assessment to analyze the environmental impact of high-purity magnesia production, from cradle to gate, divided the entire process into six stages, selected 12 key environmental impact types, and established the list of material input and emissions. This study was modeled and calculated based on eBalance software. The results showed that the total environmental impact of high-purity magnesia production was 4.23×10-12, of which GWP was the largest environmental impact contribution type in the production of high-purity magnesia. The light burning stage and heavy burning stage had the largest environmental impact contribution, followed by the fine grinding stage, mining stage, and ball pressing stage, while the environmental impact contribution of the transportation stage was small.
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