摘要: 植物是人工湿地发挥水处理功能的重要组成部分,为深入研究耐盐植物净化含盐水体机理及协同填料的作用,以美人蕉(Canna indica L.)、互花米草(Spartina alterniflora Loisel)、海三棱藨草(Scirpus mariqueter)为研究对象,协同复合填料,分别研究不同碳氮比、盐度条件和在不同装置中污染物去除效果的差异性,同时分析实验装置植物体内酶活性、植物根际与填料表面附着微生物的多样性和群落结构,旨在提高人工湿地系统运行效果。结果表明:1)人工湿地可有效处理滨海含盐水体,当HRT=4 d时,C/N=3∶1、盐度为1‰条件下,对TN、TP与COD去除效果达到最佳;2)3种耐盐植物均表现一定耐盐性,顺序为互花米草>海三棱藨草>美人蕉;3)加入新型矿渣材料的互花米草装置对TN、TP、COD去除率达到最佳,分别为95.56%、95.46%、63.61%,同时微生物多样性较丰富,加入新型矿渣材料的装置可有序优化微生物比例,促进互花米草与湿地功能性微生物协同净化水体,有利于发挥各菌种优势,以防优势菌种恶意繁殖;且该装置中互花米草体内POD、CAT、可溶性糖含量均高于其他装置植物,且丙二酮最低,表明植物遭受逆境伤害较低,抗干扰能力强。这为湿地植物处理沿海或含盐废水及构建高效人工湿地提供了科学依据与技术支撑。Abstract: Plants play an important part in water treatment function of constructed wetlands, in order to in-depth study the mechanism of salt-tolerant plants in purifying salt water and the role of synergistic filler, Canna indica L., Spartina alterniflora Loisel, Scirpus mariqueter, were chosen as the research objects, cooperating with compound fillers, to study the difference of pollutant removal effect in different, with different carbon to nitrogen ratios and salinity conditions. Simultaneously, we analyzed the enzyme activity in the plants in the experimental device, the diversity of microorganisms attached to the rhizosphere and the surface of the filler, and the microbial community structure. The results showed that: 1) constructed wetland could effectively treat coastal saline water. When HRT was 4 days, C/N was 3∶1 and salinity was 1‰, the removal effect of total nitrogen, total phosphorus and COD all reached their peaks; 2)the three salt-tolerant plants all showed certain salt-tolerance, among them, the purification effect of Spartina alterniflora Loisel was the best; 3)the removal rate of total nitrogen, total phosphorus and COD in the Spartina alterniflora Loisel device with new slag material was as high as 95.56%, 95.46% and 63.61%, respectively. At the same time, this device had rich microbial diversity. The device with new slag material optimized the ratio of microorganisms in an orderly manner, promote the synergistic purification of water by Spartina alterniflora and wetland functional microorganisms, which was conducive to take advantage of each bacterial species to prevent the malicious reproduction of the dominant bacterial species. The content of POD, CAT and soluble sugar in the Spartina alterniflora Loisel with the new slag material was higher than that of the other plants, and the content of propylene dione was the lowest, indicating that the plant suffered less harm from adversity and had strong anti-interference ability. This provided scientific basis and technical support for wetland plants to treat coastal or salt-containing sewage.
Key words:
- constructed wetlands /
- salt-tolerant plants /
- wetland filler /
- salty wastewater
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