摘要: 以滤筒除尘器的脉冲喷吹清灰为研究对象,考察脉冲清灰过程中尘饼剥离对喷吹性能的影响,运用CFD软件构建脉冲喷吹的数值模型,对清灰气流流场进行分析。结果表明:脉冲喷吹在滤筒中下部区域形成的压力显著高于顶部区域;与尘饼固定情形相比,尘饼剥离情形下脉冲喷吹强度更小、喷吹均匀性更差、穿过滤筒的气流更大;随着初始总过滤阻力ΔPt(<1000 Pa时)的增加,喷吹强度和喷吹均匀性提高,穿过滤筒的气流量降低,ΔPt>1000 Pa时则达到稳定。所得结论可为脉冲喷吹清灰除尘器的研究与设计提供理论参考。Abstract: In this paper, the pulse-jet cleaning for filter cartridge dust collector was taken as the research object to investigate the influence of the peeling off of the dust cake on the pulse-jet cleaning performance. The numerical model of pulse-jet cleaning was built using CFD software and the cleaning flow field was simulated and analyzed. The results showed that the pulsed-jet pressure formed in the lower part of the filter cartridge was significantly higher than that in the top part. Compared with the fixed dust cake condition, the pulse-jet intensity was lower, the uniformity was worse and the air flow rate penetrating the filter was larger under the dust cake peeling off condition. With the increase of initial total filtration resistance ΔPt (less than 1000 Pa), the pulse-jet intensity and uniformity increased, and the air flow rate penetrating the filter cartridge decreased. These parameters went stable when ΔPt was more than 1000 Pa. These results provided theoretical references for the research and design of the pulse-jet cleaning dust collectors.
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