摘要: 基于Bootstrap数理统计方法,构建二氧化碳排放状态判断方法模型(evaluation model on the status of CO2 emissions,ESC)。选取排放统计基础较好的地区,利用权威机构的多源长时间序列数据,结合IPCC清单指南确定和分析二氧化碳排放数据的分布特征,包括标准差和不确定性范围(取95%置信区间),以此作为建立碳排放达峰期、平台期及下降期的定量判断的基础,解决因核算、计量方法的不同造成排放结果的误差。研究结果表明,达峰期判断需要以峰值排放量浮动1%(0.9%~1.1%)的范围为依据,若碳排放量满足条件,则认为处于达峰期;平台期和下降期则以达峰后排放量的连续多年的年均下降率与2%(1.8%~2.2%)比较,若碳达峰后排放量的年均下降率小于2%,则认为碳排放仍处于平台期,否则认为碳排放处于下降期。基于ESC模型对欧盟和美国的历史碳排放数据进行排放状态判断,结果显示,欧盟地区在1979年碳排放达峰后,在1980-1983年进入下降期。美国在2007年碳达峰后,在2008-2012年进入下降期。ESC模型的分析结果与2个地区的排放趋势呈高度一致,表明该模型可以作为国家、地区(省份)、城市CO2排放状态的定量判断方法,为碳排放路径分析和情景模拟研究提供重要支撑,为决策者提供科学的参考依据。Abstract: Based on mathematical statistics methods of Bootstrap sampling, we constructed an Evaluation model on the Status of CO2 emissions (ESC). This paper selected the areas with a good statistical basis, used multi-source time series data from the authorities, and combined with the emission uncertainty by referring to the IPCC Guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories to explore the CO2 emission distribution and statistical parameters, which included the standard deviation and uncertainty of the emission. The statistical parameters were used as a quantitative criterion to determine the peak, plateau, and decline period of CO2 emission and solve the calculation errors caused by statistical accounting. Based on the ESC model, the peak period was within 1% (0.9%~1.1%) of peak CO2 emission. The plateau and decline period were evaluated based on the comparison between the annual decline rate and 2% (1.8%~2.2%). Once the annual decline rate after the CO2 emission peak exceeded 2%, we assumed the CO2 emission to be the decline period, otherwise the plateau period. Besides, we applied the ESC model to evaluate the periods of historical CO2 emission for the European Union and the United States. The results showed that:the European Union reached the CO2 emission peak in 1979, then entered the decline period from 1980 to 1983; the United States reached the CO2 emission peak in 2007, then entered the decline period of CO2 emission from 2008 to 2012; our model was reasonable on quantitative evaluation on the status of CO2 emission peak. This study could provide reference value for quantitative evaluation on the status of CO2 emission (including the peak, plateau, and decline period) for the country, region (province), or the city, provide sound support for studies on the pathway analysis and scenario simulation of CO2 emission, and offer scientific evaluation reference for decision makers.
Key words:
- CO2 /
- emission status /
- peak period /
- plateau period /
- decline period /
- quantitative evaluation
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