摘要: 土壤作为挥发性有机污染物的源与汇,研究污染物在其中的吸附行为对探明污染物环境归趋和生态风险意义深远。以苯胺为代表性污染物,在综合分析我国12种地带性土壤的基本理化性质基础上,探讨苯胺在土壤-水界面分配规律以及该吸附行为与土壤理化性质之间的关系。结果表明:1)12种地带性土壤对于苯胺的吸附能力差异明显,其中,黑龙江黑土吸附苯胺能力最强,理论饱和吸附量最大;2)考虑到部分土样的吸附等温线表现出明显的非线性,用Freundlich模型拟合土壤吸附苯胺的等温线;3)12种地带性土壤的理化性质差异显著;4)有机质含量对苯胺土-水界面吸附行为影响最为显著:有机质含量越高,土壤对于苯胺的吸附能力越强。Abstract: Soil is the source and sink of volatile organic compounds. It is of great significance to study the adsorption behavior of pollutants in soil for environmental fate and ecological risk. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the basic physical and chemical properties of 12 kinds of zonal soils in China, the distribution law of aniline at the soil water interface and the relationship between the adsorption behaviors and the physical and chemical properties of soil were discussed. The results showed that:1) the adsorption capacity of Heilongjiang black soil for aniline was the strongest, and the theoretical saturated adsorption capacity was the largest; 2) considering that the adsorption isotherms of some soil samples showed obvious nonlinearity, Freundlich model was used to fit the isotherms of aniline adsorbed by soil; 3) the physical and chemical properties of 12 zonal soils were significantly different; 4) the content of organic matter has the most significant effect on the adsorption behavior of aniline at the soil water interface:the higher the content of organic matter, the stronger the adsorption capacity of soil for aniline.
Key words:
- aniline /
- organic matter /
- soil /
- adsorption
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