摘要: 以山东某钛白粉厂二级压滤出水为研究对象,通过自主设计的中试设备考察了催化臭氧氧化工艺与NaClO工艺对钛白粉废水处理情况,确定催化臭氧氧化的最佳工艺实验条件为:在室温条件下,催化臭氧氧化反应时间为60 min,臭氧投加浓度为125 mg/L。对原有NaClO工艺进行优化,优化后的最佳工艺为:NaClO投加量为1.2%,反应时间为30 min。当平均进水ρ(COD)与ρ(NH3-N)分别为109.7,12.8 mg/L,则催化臭氧工艺平均出水ρ(COD)与ρ(NH3-N)分别为43.5,3.8 mg/L,平均去除率分别为60%和70.4%,NaClO工艺平均出水ρ(COD)与ρ(NH3-N)分别为49.8,4.7 mg/L,平均去除率分别为54.5%和63.1%。在30 d内,催化臭氧氧化出水达标率为100%,NaClO出水达标率为26.7%,催化臭氧氧化处理费用为1.12元/t,NaClO处理费用为12元/t,催化臭氧氧化工艺相较于NaClO氧化工艺更适用于处理钛白粉废水。Abstract: Taking the secondary pressure filtration water from a titanium dioxide plant in Shandong as the research object, the catalytic ozonation process and the treatment of titanium dioxide wastewater were investigated through a self-designed pilot plant, and the best experimental conditions for catalytic ozonation process were determined as follows:at room temperature, the catalytic ozone oxidation reaction time was 60 min, and the ozone concentration was 125 mg/L. The original NaClO process was also optimized, and the best process after optimization was as follows:NaClO dosage was 1.2%, and the reaction time was 30 minutes. When the average influent COD and ammonia nitrogen were 109.7 mg/L and 12.8 mg/L, the average effluent COD and ammonia nitrogen of the catalytic ozone process were 43.5 mg/L and 3.8 mg/L, respectively, and the average removal rates were 60% and 70.4%, respectively; and the average effluent COD and ammonia nitrogen in the NaClO process were 49.8 mg/L and 4.7 mg/L, respectively, and the average removal rates were 54.5% and 63.1%, respectively. Within 30 days, the standard-meeting rate of the catalytic ozonation process effluent was 100%, and that of the NaClO process effluent was 26.7%; the running cost of catalytic ozonation ton water treatment was RMB 1.12/t, and that of the NaClO treatment was RMB 12/t. The catalytic ozonation process was more suitable for treating titanium dioxide wastewater, compared with The NaClO oxidation process.
Key words:
- catalytic ozone oxidation /
- NaClO /
- ammonia nitrogen /
- pilot test
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