摘要: 选取天津市居民区典型材质(油毡、塑钢和水泥瓦)屋面下垫面,对其降雨径流污染特征和污染物初期冲刷效应进行了分析,并考察了不同类型材质屋面降雨径流中颗粒物分布及主要污染物赋存形式。场次降雨径流平均浓度分析结果表明:SS和COD是降雨径流中的主要污染物,降雨径流污染程度顺序为油毡屋面>水泥瓦屋面>塑钢屋面;颗粒物是降雨径流中污染物的主要载体,与COD和TP的相关度较高。各屋面径流污染均存在一定程度的初期冲刷效应,塑钢屋面径流污染物冲刷与Sartor-Boyd模型拟合相关性较好;屋面径流中颗粒物粒径分布主要受降雨量和降雨强度的影响,颗粒物粒径主要分布在10~100μm(体积比60%~75%)。不同屋面降雨径流中86%~92%的COD和90%~95%的TP均主要以颗粒态形式存在,而50%~65%的氮主要以溶解态形式存在。Abstract: The characteristics of the rainfall runoff pollution and the first flush effect of pollutants on the underlying surfaces of typical roofing materials(asphalt, plastic steel and cement tile) in the residential areas of Tianjin were investigated, and the distribution of particles and the occurrence forms of main pollutants in rainfall runoff from roofs of different materials were also analyzed. The results of the event mean concentration(EMC) analysis showed that SS and COD were the main pollutants in rainfall runoff. The order of pollution degree of rainfall runoff was asphalt roof > cement tile roof > plastic steel roof. The main carriers of pollutants in rainfall runoff were particulate matters, which were closely related with COD and TP. The first flush phenomenon was found in different roof runoffs, among them the plastic steel roof showed higher correlation with the Sartor-Boyd model. The particle size distribution of particulate pollutants in the runoffs were mainly influenced by the rainfall and rainfall intensity. The main particulate pollutants were distributed in particles diameter range of 10~100 μm, accounting for 60%~75% of the total volume. 86%~92% of COD and 90%~95% of TP were mainly existed in the granular form, while 50%~65% of nitrogen was mainly existed in the dissolved form in rainfall runoff from different roofs.
Key words:
- rainfall runoff /
- underlying surface /
- pollution characteristic /
- first flush effect /
- particles
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