摘要: 为了降低沥青烟雾对环境的污染,通过在沥青中添加外加剂,开发出一种环境友好型复合抑烟沥青,并对其性能、作用机理、经济及环境效益进行分析。首先,通过热重实验,分析Sasobit和氢氧化铝(ATH)在单掺及复配时的抑烟效果,结合基本物理性能测试优选出外加剂的最佳比例,并对该比例外加剂下的沥青进行了性能分析。然后,通过红外光谱和热重实验,分别研究沥青及外加剂的官能团变化及外加剂的抑烟规律,从而进一步分析复合抑烟沥青的作用机理,并对其经济及环境效益进行评价。结果表明:外加剂最佳的复配比例为3%Sasobit和20%ATH,沥青烟雾产生率降低约10.93%,并且沥青的布氏旋转黏度有所提高,高温抗车辙能力提高2倍左右,但低温性能也有所下降。Sasobit和ATH对沥青的改性机制分别以化学和物理改性为主。与单掺Sasobit和ATH相比,复合改性沥青的成本分别降低约53%和9%,同时复合抑烟沥青具有良好的环境效益。Abstract: In order to reduce the emission of asphalt smoke to the environment, a kind of eco-friendly composite smoke suppression asphalt was developed by adding admixtures to asphalt, and its performance, mechanism, economic and environmental benefits were analyzed. Firstly, through thermogravimetric experiment, the smoke suppression effect of Sasobit and aluminum trihydrate(ATH) in single blending and compounding were analyzed, combined with the basic physical performance test, the optimal proportion of smoke suppression agent was selected, and the performance with the proportion of the admixtures was analyzed. Then, through infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetric experiment, the functional group changes of the asphalt and admixtures and the smoke suppression laws of the admixtures were studied respectively, so as to further analyze the mechanism of the composite smoke suppression asphalt. Finally, the economic and environmental benefits were evaluated. The results showed that the optimal mixture ratio of additives was 3% of Sasobit and 20% of ATH, and the asphalt smoke production rate decreased by about 10.93%. The Brookfield rotational viscosity of the asphalt was increased, the high temperature rutting resistance was increased by about 2 times, but the low temperature performance was somewhat declined. Sasobit and ATH mainly modified asphalt through chemical modification and physical modification, respectively. Compared with adding Sasobit and ATH separately, the cost of composite modified asphalt was reduced by about 53% and 9%, respectively. At the same time, the compound smoke suppression asphalt had good environmental benefits.
Key words:
- road engineering /
- smoke suppression asphalt /
- performance analysis /
- mechanism /
- environmental benefits
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