摘要: 为了解城市河道型坝控景观水体水质现状,于2018年1,4,8,11月分别对渭河关中段4处坝控景观河道展开调查。基于综合水质指数(WQI)与营养状态指数(TLI)对4个坝控景观河道水体的水质以及富营养化状况进行评价。结果表明:4个坝控景观河道水体2018年全年WQI平均值为47.65~56.18,水质状况总体为中等至差;全年TLI均值为61.50~66.42,营养状态分级为中度富营养。WQI与TLI评价结果呈显著负相关(r=-0.771,P<0.001)。2种水质评价结果综合表明,渭河关中流域坝控景观河道冬、春季水质相对较好,营养水平较低;夏秋季水质较差,营养水平较高。
- 综合水质指数(WQI) /
- 营养状态指数(TLI) /
- 渭河关中流域 /
- 坝控景观河道 /
- 水质评价
Abstract: In order to understand the current situation of water quality of dam-controlled scenic river in urban area, four urban dam-controlled scenic rivers in Guanzhong section of Weihe River Basin were investigated in January, April, August and November, 2018. Based on the status of water quality index(WQI) and trophic level index(TLI), the water quality and eutrophication status of the four urban dam-controlled scenic rivers were evaluated. The results showed that the average value of WQI of the four urban dam-controlled scenic rivers was 47.65~56.18, and the water quality was generally classified as moderate to low; the average value of TLI was 61.50~66.42, and the nutritional status was classified as moderate eutrophication. There was a significant negative correlation between WQI and TLI(r=-0.771, P<0.001). Based on the evaluation results, the water quality of dam-controlled scenic river in Guanzhong section of Weihe River was relatively better and the nutrient level was lower in winter and spring; in summer and autumn, the water quality was lower and the nutrition level was higher. -
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