摘要: 为探讨废弃农药厂遗留土壤重金属污染程度,并针对该污染土探究焙烧法修复效果,基于潜在生态危害指数法对焙烧修复效果进行评价。采集浙江某废弃农药厂遗留污染土,采用XRF分析仪测定土壤中重金属元素总量和有效态含量,分析该区域土壤重金属污染特征,通过焙烧法对污染土进行修复。结果表明:该污染场地内重金属污染主要由Zn、Cu、Co、Cr、V、Pb构成,其中Zn、V、Pb元素总量和有效态含量均低于浙江省金衢盆区域背景值,而Cu、Co、Cr元素总量和有效态含量均超出背景值,已构成污染;基于重金属有效态含量的潜在生态风险评价结果显示,该场地已达到第4级别生态危害程度(很强);焙烧试验表明,400℃焙烧1 h为该污染土壤的最优焙烧条件,该条件下Cu、Cr元素对应的潜在生态风险系数明显降低,潜在生态风险评价结果已降低到第2级(中等),污染场地达到较低的危害程度,但仍需进一步修复Co元素对环境的影响。焙烧修复作为一种简单且高效的修复技术,不仅能作为一种常规的修复手段,同样适用于重金属污染土紧急修复项目,具有广阔的前景。Abstract: In order to explore the pollution degree of heavy metals in the soil left by an abandoned pesticide factory, and analyze the remediation effect of calcination, this study collected the contaminated soil from an abandoned pesticide factory in Zhejiang Province, and used XRF analyzer to determine the total amount and available contents of heavy metals elements in the soil, discussed the characteristics of heavy metal pollution in the soil. Then the contaminated soil was repaired by calcination, and effect of roasting was evaluated based on potential ecological hazard index method. The results showed that the heavy metal pollution in the site was mainly composed of Zn, Cu, Co, Cr, V and Pb, in which the total and available contents of Zn, V and Pb were lower than the background value of Jinqu basin in Zhejiang Province, while the total and available contents of Cu, Co and Cr all exceeded the background values. The potential ecological risk assessment results based on the available contents of heavy metal showed that the site have reached the fourth level of ecological hazard(very strong). The results of calcination showed that the optimum roasting condition was roasting temperature of 400 ℃ for 1 h. Under this condition, the degree of ecological risk coefficient corresponding to Cu and Cr elements was significantly reduced, and the potential ecological risk assessment results were reduced to the second level(medium). The contaminated site reached a lower harm degree, but further repairing methods were needed to repair the impact of Co on environment. As a simple and efficient remediation technology, calcination can be used not only as a conventional remediation method, but also as an emergency remediation measure for heavy metal contaminated soil.
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