摘要: 通过两种预处理工艺生产营养土(城市生活垃圾经过热水解+高温好氧堆肥的营养土A和城市生活垃圾经过热水解的营养土B),采用盆栽对比试验法,研究利用营养土种植菠菜过程中土壤酶活性和菠菜生物量的变化及其对土壤理化性质和作物生长的影响。结果表明:营养土A和营养土B均能有效提高菠菜种植过程中土壤的脲酶、过氧化氢酶和蔗糖酶活性,并且其随着营养土施用量的增加而增加趋势;在菠菜生长的同一阶段,施用营养土A的土壤酶活性高于营养土B的处理组和对照组,其中脲酶最高值为9.10 mg/g,出现在土壤与营养土的质量配比为5:1的处理组(30 d)。两种营养土的施加均对中性磷酸酶活性有一定的抑制作用。施用营养土A和营养土B均可以显著提高菠菜的生物量,特别是施用营养土A时,土壤与营养土的质量配比为5:1实验组的菠菜鲜重为64.19 g,与未施用营养土的对照组相比,增加132.32%。施用营养土A和营养土B能够影响土壤酶活性,增加菠菜生物量,营养土A的增产效果更为明显。Abstract: In this paper, the changes of soil enzyme activity and spinach biomass and their effects on soil physical and chemical properties and crop growth during spinach planting were studied by pot comparative experiment with two types of nutrient soils(nutrient soil A of municipal solid waste after thermal hydrolysis + high temperature aerobic compost and nutrient soil B of municipal solid waste after thermal hydrolysis) produced by different pretreatment processes. The results showed that both nutrient soil A and nutrient soil B could effectively increase the activities of urease, catalase and sucrase in the soil during spinach planting and it had a tendency to increase with the increase of nutrient soil dosage; at the same stage of spinach growth, the soil enzyme activity of nutrient soil A was higher than that of treatment group B and control group, and the highest urease value was 9.10 mg/g, appearing in the treatment group with the ratio of soil to nutrient soil of 5:1 (30 d). The application of the two kinds of nutrient soil could inhibit the activity of neutral phosphatase to some extent. Both nutrient soil A and nutrient soil B could significantly improve the biomass of spinach, especially when nutrient soil A applied with the ratio of soil to nutrient soil of 5:1, and then the fresh weight of spinach in the control group was 64.19 g, 132.32% higher than that in the control group. The application of nutrient soil A and B could affect soil enzyme activity and increase spinach biomass, and the overall effect of nutrient soil A was more obvious. The results of this study can provide theoretical basis and technical reference for effective resource utilization of MSW.
Key words:
- domestic garbage /
- pyrohydrolysis /
- nutrient soil /
- soil fertility /
- enzymatic activity /
- biomass
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