摘要: 针对GF-6与Landsat-8影像在水质监测中的差异性问题,以巢湖水质富营养状态评价为研究内容,对水质参数进行反演,利用综合营养状态指数法构建水质评价模型。运用ENVI 5.3和ArcGIS 10.3软件,实现各项水质参数和综合营养状态指数TLI可视化。对比实测数据,运用Person相关性模型进行反演结果精度评定。结果表明:影像成像时刻巢湖水质营养状态为中营养;GF-6和Landsat-8反演得到的综合营养状态指数TLI分别为42.75和42.13,两者差别较小,但经过与实测数据的相关性分析可得,GF-6和Landsat-8的Person系数分别为0.988和0.965,表明GF-6反演的数据与实测值相关性更强,更加准确可靠。研究结论可为水质监测中如何选用遥感影像数据提供参考。Abstract: In view of the difference between GF-6 and Landsat-8 images in water quality monitoring, the eutrophication assessment of water quality in Chao Lake was taken as the research content, the water quality parameters were inversed, and the water quality assessment model was constructed by using the method of integrated nutritional state index. Using ENVI 5.3 and ArcGIS 10.3 software, the visualization of water quality parameters and TLI was realized. Compared with the measured data, the accuracy of the inversion result was evaluated by using Pearson correlation model. The main conclusions were as follows: the nutrient status of the water quality in Chao Lake at the time of imaging was medium nutrient; the comprehensive nutrient status index TLI derived from GF-6 and Landsat-8 were 42.75 and 42.13 respectively, and there was no significant difference between them, however, the coefficients of GF-6 and Landsat-8 were 0.988 and 0.965, respectively, indicating that GF-6 was more accurate and reliable. The conclusion could provide reference for selecting remote sensing image data in water quality monitoring.
Key words:
- GF-6 /
- Landsat-8 /
- Chaohu Lake /
- water quality monitoring /
- difference
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