摘要: 清水廊道陆向缓冲带是截留陆域污染入河前的最重要生态屏障,评价其工程适宜性,不仅要体现出陆向缓冲带对外源污染物拦截效果以及所选缓冲带技术本身的特点,还要体现出污染物拦截技术对于清水廊道周边环境、社会和经济等方面综合影响。基于层次分析法,选取了18个评价指标,构建清水廊道陆向缓冲带工程适宜性评价体系,并对光明大堰河清水廊道陆向缓冲带污染拦截工程进行适宜性评价。结果表明:在所评价的8个河段中,非常适宜的河段占62.5%,适宜的河段占37.5%,河段总体处于污染拦截效果较好状态。基于层次分析法的清水廊道陆向缓冲带污染拦截工程评价方法可将河岸带的功能管理、植被及生态重建、土地利用、滨水区规划和设计融入工程评价中,为清水廊道工程的实施提供理论支撑和数据支持。Abstract: Riparian zone of the clear water gallery(RZCWG) is the most important ecological protective screen for intercepting terrestrial contaminants. Therefore, to evaluate the suitability of RZCWG, it should not only evaluate the results of RZCWG for intercepting exogenous contaminants, but also reflect the technical features of intercepting exogenous contaminants for RZCWG and the comprehensive effect on the environment, society and economics. Based on the analytic hierarchy process, this paper selected 18 evaluation indexes to construct the suitability evaluation system for the riparian zone of project of the clear water gallery and evaluate the suitability of the landward buffer zone pollution interception project of the clear water gallery of Guangming Dayan River. The evaluation results indicated that the evaluated river was in a very suitable state of intercepting exogenous contaminants, in which 62.5% sections were in a very suitable state and 37.5% sections were in a suitable state. The evaluation method for RZCWG based on AHP could integrate the function management of riparian zone, vegetation and ecological reconstruction, land utilization, waterfront planning and design of the project evaluation of RZCWG, and provide support for the implementation of RZCWG projects.
Key words:
- clear water gallery /
- riparian zone /
- AHP /
- evaluation of riparian zone
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