摘要: 数值模拟是地下水原位化学修复设计的主要方法。从地下水原位化学修复过程的物理和化学作用出发,分析了土体平衡方程、流体相连续性方程和溶质运移方程等基本控制方程,比较了常用地下水原位修复数值模拟软件的特征,指出土体变形对地下水渗流和溶质运移的影响以及现有地下水原位化学修复模拟中存在的问题,需考虑以下3个方面:1)原位注入化学修复模拟时应考虑土体变形、地下水渗流和溶质运移的三维耦合模型和模拟计算;2)药剂注入方式以及药剂注入引起的土体变形和破坏及其对土体渗透性的影响;3)药剂注入对土体固结变形和强度的影响。Abstract: Numerical simulation plays an important role in groundwater in-situ chemical remediation. Based on the physical and chemical reactions occurring in the remediation procedure, the relevant governing equations were analyzed, including soil equilibrium, continuity of fluid phases, and mass transport. Several common pieces of software for groundwater in-situ chemical remediation were introduced and compared. The effect of soil deformation on groundwater flow and mass transport was highlighted and the problems for current numerical simulation were discussed. Further development in numerical simulation of in-situ chemical remediation was proposed, including coupling among soil deformation, groundwater flow and mass transport, injection of remediation agents and resultant soil deformation and failure and change in permeability, as well as the effect of injection on soil mechanical properties.
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