摘要: 塑料制品的管理及处置不善是导致微塑料污染的关键因素,微塑料不仅会与环境中多种污染物相互吸附,也极易被大型藻类、动物、植物等生物摄入富集,具有巨大的环境风险。城市作为塑料制品的主要生产以及消费主体,是微塑料污染的重要源头。塑料制品会受到各种环境因素的影响,如温度、光照、机械力、水力作用等,发生老化、裂解、剥离进而迁移至自然环境,存在潜在的污染风险。掌握微塑料从塑料制品中的释放行为以及在环境介质中的迁移规律,对评估城市源微塑料污染风险十分重要。综述了城市生活用品、垃圾、基础设施中微塑料的释放行为,阐述了微塑料在水、砂及土壤介质中的迁移规律,为微塑料污染的风险评估及防控提供依据。今后可在环境因素对城市塑料设施中微塑料释放、迁移的影响,以及微塑料与城市水环境中污染物的相互作用行为2个方面进行深入研究。Abstract: The poor management and disposal of plastic products are the key factors leading to microplastics pollution. Microplastics adsorbs various pollutants in the environment, and easily be ingested and enriched by macroalgae, animals, plants and other organisms, possessing a huge environmental risk. The cities, as the main producer and consumer of plastic products, is an important source of microplastic pollution. Plastic products will be affected by various environmental factors, such as temperature, light, mechanical force, hydraulic scouring, etc., resulting in ageing, cracking, peeling and migrating to the natural environment, endangering humans, animals, plants and so on. It is very critical to understand the release behavior of microplastics from plastic products and their migration mechanism in environmental media, for assessing the risk of urban microplastic pollution. The release behavior of microplastics from household goods, garbage and urban facility were reviewed. The migration mechanisms of microplastics in water, quartz sand and soil media were described, providing references for the prevention, control and purification of microplastics. In the future, the impact of environmental factors on the release and migration of microplastics in the urban plastic facility, and the interaction with pollutants in the urban water environment should be further studied.
Key words:
- plastic products /
- microplastics /
- environmental media /
- release /
- migration
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