摘要: 该研究基于自组织神经网络(SOM)和K-means方法,以华中地区某铬渣污染场地为研究对象,探讨了SOM+K-means方法应用于场地地下水污染分区管控的可能性。通过监测数据的描述性统计分析场地地下水污染特征,发现Cr (Ⅵ)、CODMn、SO42-、TDS、NO3-、NH3-N、Mn为研究区的主要污染物。基于SOM+K-means分析挖掘,并基于空间插值方法,将研究区地下水分为4类区域,并识别出每类区域需重点关注的污染指标。结果显示:类别Ⅰ需关注NO3-;类别Ⅱ需关注Cr (Ⅵ)、CODMn、NO3、TDS、NH3--N;类别Ⅲ需关注SO42-;类别Ⅳ需关注Mn。该方法可较好地应用于地下水污染分区管控,对场地地下水污染防治具有指导意义。Abstract: Based on the self-organizing maps (SOM) and K-means method,this study took a contaminated site to explore the feasibility of applying SOM and K-means method to the zoning control of groundwater pollution.Through descriptive statistical analysis of monitoring data,the groundwater pollution characteristics of the site were obtained.It was found that Cr (Ⅵ),CODMn,SO42-,TDS,NO3-,NH3-N and Mn were the main pollutants in the study area.Derived from SOM,K-means analysis and spatial interpolation,groundwater in the study area was divided into four types of areas.The pollution factors of each cluster that need to be paid attention to were identified.The results showed that NO3- should be paid attention to for cluster Ⅰ;Cr (Ⅵ),CODMn,NO3-,TDS and NH3-N for cluster Ⅱ;SO42- for cluster Ⅲ,and Mn for cluster Ⅳ.This method can be applied to the zoning control of groundwater pollution,which had guiding significance for the prevention and control of groundwater pollution in contamination sites.
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