摘要: 氧化亚氮(N2O)是一种温室气体,同时也是具有能源回收潜力的强氧化性物质。综述了促进N2O产生的新兴污水脱氮过程及提高N2O产生的方法,比较了不同方法的运行条件及N2O转化率,并指出了各种方法的不足之处。从识别N2O产生的关键影响因素和预测N2O产量2个方面综述了污水处理过程中N2O数据驱动模型的研究进展。目前N2O的增产方法主要包括耦合好氧-缺氧氮分解过程、单反应器生产过程及基因工程菌和半导体修饰菌增产过程。收集污水处理厂中的大数据可以建立N2O数据驱动模型,但是现有的数据驱动模型仅仅关注N2O减排。开发N2O的新型增产过程,优化控制增产过程的功能菌种,建立N2O数据驱动模型与N2O增产方法之间的关联性是未来N2O生产利用技术的发展方向。Abstract: Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a greenhouse gas and a strong oxidizing substance with the potential of energy recovery.This paper critically reviewed the novel nitrogen removal bioprocesses and methods for increasing N2O production from wastewater.The operating conditions and N2O conversion efficiencies in these bioprocesses were compared.Then,the shortages of these methods were pointed out.Moreover,this paper comprehensively reviewed the research progress on data-driven modeling of N2O emission in wastewater treatment processes from two perspectives:1) identifying key factors related to N2O,and 2) predicting N2O production.Currently,the main methods for recovering N2O include coupled aerobic-anoxic nitrous decomposition operation (CANDO),single reactor process,applications of recombinant strains or semiconductor modification strains.Big data of wastewater treatment plants could be utilized to establish the data-driven models for N2O emissions,whereas the existing N2O models mainly focus on reducing N2O emission.The future trends of N2O recovery include:1) developing new methods for recovering N2O;2) optimizing functional microbes in N2O recovering processes;3) establishing the relationships between data-driven modeling of N2O and N2O recovering processes.
Key words:
- nitrous oxide /
- wastewater treatment /
- machine learning /
- energy recovery /
- nitrogen removal
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