摘要: 采煤区沉陷不仅会影响地表结构,还会显著改变流域水文循环,从而影响区域水资源供给。以淮南西淝河流域为研究对象,利用SWAT-FLUS集成模型模拟流域水文过程及未来情景。结果表明:1)该集成模型能准确模拟由土地利用变化带来的水文情势演变过程,并用于情景预测。2)对未来不同塌陷速率情景模拟结果显示,各情景下流域蒸散发均呈增加趋势,其中无修复模式主要为水面蒸散增加,2种修复模式主要为陆面蒸散增加;无修复模式增加了流域入渗量,2种修复模式则相反。3)从典型水文年内径流分布来看,无修复模式显著影响了地表径流的年内分布规律及径流峰值,普通修复及生态修复模式则无明显影响。4)从年际间水文变化来看,若无修复措施,流域内水文关系将在2020-2022年发生根本性转变;至2030年,地表径流将减少27.1%,普通修复模式下地表径流将减少2.5%,而生态修复可使流域地表径流增加4.4%。Abstract: The subsidence of the coal mining area not only affects the surface structure,but also significantly changes the hydrological cycle and the regional water supply of the river basin.In this paper,the Huainan mining area in the Xifei River Basin was selected,and the SWAT-FLUS integrated model was used to simulate the process and future scenarios of the hydrological cycle.The result showed:1) the integrated model could accurately simulate the hydrological process due to land-use changes and be used for scenario prediction.2) for scenarios under different collapse rates in the future,evapotranspiration showed an increasing trend.The'non-restoration'mode increased water surface evapotranspiration,and the other two modes increased the land surface evapotranspiration;besides,the'non-restoration'mode increased the infiltration volume of the watershed,while reduced the others.3) from the perspective of the distribution of runoff in typical hydrological years,the'non-restoration'mode significantly affected the distribution and the peak value of runoff during the year,while the regular-and ecological-restoration modes didn't have such impacts.4) from the perspective of inter-annual influence,if there were no restoration measures,the hydrological pattern within the basin would undergo a dramatic change between 2020 and 2022;by 2030,the surface runoff would be reduced by 27.1% and 2.5% under non-and regular-restoration mode,respectively,but ecological restoration could increase the surface runoff by 4.4%.
Key words:
- mining area restoration /
- SWAT model /
- FLUS model /
- land use prediction /
- hydrological impact
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