摘要: 为研究化学固结处理废弃泥浆过程中固结体含水率和渗透性的影响因素,选择高吸水性树脂(SAP)和水泥作为固结材料,采用由中压滤失仪改装而成的渗透仪器对废弃泥浆开展室内固结试验,研究不同固结材料、材料配比、固结时间对固结体含水率、渗透性的影响。结果表明:24 h内配比>5%的SAP对固结体含水率降低表现优于水泥,168 h后,同配比水泥表现优于SAP。SAP组固结体渗透性优于水泥组,配比提至7%,固结时间达到72 h后,SAP组渗透性不减反增,水泥配比<7%时,提高配比对渗透性阻断作用提升效果显著。经分析,固结体渗透性和含水率存在正相关,含水率通过改变渗流通道数量而影响渗透性。配比为5%的SAP和7%水泥能够使废弃泥浆达到较好的固结效果。Abstract: In order to study the influencing factors of moisture content and permeability of the consolidated body in the process of chemical consolidation treatment of waste slurry, super absorbent polymer (SAP) and cement were selected as the consolidation materials, and indoor consolidation tests were carried out on the waste mud to study different consolidations. The effects of materials, material ratios, and consolidation time on moisture content of the consolidated body were tested on a permeation instrument modified from a medium pressure filter loss instrument, to study the effects of the above factors on permeability. The results showed that SAP over 5% in 24 hours was better in reducing moisture content than cement, and after 168 h, cement with the same ratio was better than SAP. The permeability of the SAP group was better than that of the cement group, and the ratio was increased to 7%. After the consolidation time reached 72 h, the permeability of the SAP group didn’t continue to decrease but increased. When the cement ratio was below 7%, when increasing the ratio to permeability, the effect of sexual blocking became more significant. After analysis, there was a positive correlation between the permeability of the consolidated body and the moisture content, and the moisture content affected the permeability by changing the number of seepage channels. 5% SAP and 7% cement made the waste slurry achieve a better consolidation effect.
Key words:
- waste slurry /
- chemical consolidation treatment /
- moisture content /
- permeability /
- seepage channel
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