摘要: 好氧发酵(堆肥)技术是实现有机固废无害化的重要手段,但传统自然堆肥技术发酵周期长、占地面积大、操作环境差等问题限制了该技术的广泛应用。以研发有机垃圾强化快速好氧发酵工艺为目的,通过筛选环境温度、微生物接种、辅料投加、搅拌通风频率等强化堆肥关键可控因素,系统研究各项参数对有机垃圾好氧发酵过程的影响。研究结果表明,提高环境温度(25 ℃),合理控制搅拌通风频率(每小时搅拌通风30 min),接种丰甜复合菌种,添加辅料等手段可有效缩短堆肥周期,提高发酵效率。该研究成果对机械强化快速好氧发酵设备的开发具有指导意义。Abstract: Aerobic fermentation (composting) technology is an important method to achieve the harmless transformation of organic solid waste, but the traditional composting technology has a long fermentation cycle, a large area of land, and a poor operating environment, which limits its wide application. The purpose of this paper was to research and develop the enhanced aerobic fermentation process of organic waste, and systematical study the influence of various parameters on the aerobic fermentation process of organic waste by screening the key controllable factors of enhanced composting, such as environmental temperature, microbial inoculation, supplementary feeding, stirring and ventilation frequency, etc. The results showed that the composting cycle could be shortened, and the fermentation efficiency could be improved by increasing the ambient temperature, controlling the stirring and ventilation frequency reasonably, and inoculating strains and adding auxiliary materials. This result has a guiding significance for the development of mechanical enhanced rapid composting technology.
Key words:
- organic waste /
- aerobic fermentation /
- rapid composting /
- mechanical enhancement
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