摘要: 混凝土是建筑工程和海岸工程中使用量最大、应用范围最广的建筑材料。将矿物掺合料作为辅助胶凝材料加入混凝土中,既能废物利用提高环境效益,还可以提升混凝土的部分性能。为准确评估矿物掺合料混凝土安全性、耐久性和环境友好性,提出了一种矿物掺合料混凝土综合评价方法。基于环境影响生命周期评估(LCA)理论,通过实景数据与资料调研建立了粉煤灰、粒化高炉矿渣粉、煤矸石粉、赤泥、玻璃粉5种矿物掺合料的环境影响清单和矿物掺合料混凝土对于7种环境影响指标的计算方法。采用社会支付意愿法(WTP),以环境保护税、资源税为框架,将不同环境影响指标统一货币化,并结合混凝土的强度和耐久性指标提出矿物掺合料混凝土的性能与环境效益综合评价方法,以期为发展环境友好高性能混凝土提供定量评价依据。Abstract: Concrete is the most widely used building material in construction engineering and coastal engineering. The addition of mineral admixtures as auxiliary cementitious materials to concrete can not only improve environmental benefits through waste utilization, certain mineral admixtures can also improve certain properties of concrete. To objectively evaluate the comprehensive performance of mineral admixture concrete’s safety, durability and environmental friendliness,a comprehensive evaluation method of mineral admixture concrete was proposed. First, based on the life cycle assessment theory of environmental impact, environmental impact lists of five mineral admixtures including fly ash, granulated blast furnace slag powder, coal gangue powder, red mud, and glass powder were established through real-world data and investigation. And the calculation methods of mineral admixture concrete for seven environmental impact indicators were established. The social willingness to pay method was adopted to uniformly monetize different environmental impact indicators under the framework of environmental protection tax and resource tax. Combined with the strength and durability indicators of concrete, a comprehensive evaluation method for the performance and environmental benefits of mineral admixture concrete was proposed. This method can provide a quantitative evaluation basis for the development of eco-friendly high-performance concrete.
Key words:
- mineral admixtures /
- concrete /
- environmental benefits /
- material properties /
- LCA /
- comprehensive evaluation method
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