摘要: 石油污染土壤修复工艺的选择及其应用效果受原油属性影响明显。选取石蜡基和环烷基2类原油污染土壤,采用清洗预处理-热脱附方法,研究耦合工艺的修复效能,重点比较清洗对土壤粒级的分离效果,表面活性剂对石油污染物的脱附效率,药剂清洗前后的土壤热脱附修复效果等。结果表明:清洗后2种土壤的砂质组分吸附的石油类脱附率约为59.83%和36.42%,远高于黏质组分。阴离子型α-十六烯基磺酸钠脱附能力更强,石蜡基和环烷基2类油源污染土壤的石油类脱附率为46.5%和39.8%。以环烷基土壤为例,将药剂清洗后分离出的黏粒土进行热脱附,与未清洗的原污染土壤相比,前者脱附所用时间更短。400℃下热脱附3 h,石油类含量降至0.26%。采取清洗-热脱附工艺开展现场试验,清洗后粗粒级砂质土壤的石油类含量为1.56%,黏粒土脱水后热脱附,石油类含量可达到0.57%,清洗-热脱附修复污染土壤能耗低于单纯热脱附工艺。Abstract: The properties of crude oil will directly affect the selection of polluted soil remediation technology. Paraffin and naphthenic based crude oil contaminated soils were selected, and the coupling technology of soil washing and thermal desorption were adopted to investigate the desorption ratios of petroleum and energy consumption. The particular concern was focused on the screening effect of washing pretreatment on soil particle size, desorption rate of petroleum pollutants, the effect of thermal desorption remediation on reagent washed soil, etc. The results showed that after water washing pretreatment, the desorption rate of petroleum adsorbed by large particle size sand in soil was about 59.83% and 36.42%, much higher than the clay component. Anionic sodium α-16 olefin sulfonate and isomeric alcohol ethoxylate were used during washing process. The desorption rates of petroleum in paraffin based and naphthenic crude oil contaminated soil were 46.5% and 39.8% respectively. Anionic sodium α-16 olefin sulfonate had a stronger desorption ability. Naphthenic based crude oil contaminated soil was remediated by thermal desorption, the desorption time of clay component after washing was shorter than the raw contaminated soil. The content of petroleum was decreased to 0.26% after thermal desorption at 400 ℃ for 3 hours. The washing-thermal desorption coupling technology was adopted for field test, and the petroleum content of large particle size sand after washing was 1.56%, and 0.57% for the dewatered clay by thermal desorption. The energy consumption of washing-thermal desorption was lower than the single thermal desorption technology.
Key words:
- petroleum contaminated soil /
- soil washing /
- thermal desorption /
- coupling technology
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