摘要: 开发城市矿产资源对补充原生矿产资源的不足具有重要意义,准确估算城市矿产资源储量也成为研究重点。针对城市住宅建筑,在社区尺度上进行住宅建筑的矿产资源储量估算,通过定量评估北京市回龙观21个小区662栋住宅建筑的在用存量,基于我国住宅建筑的生命周期,在对住宅建筑矿产资源储量进行估算的基础上,计算未来的资源可采量,同时对现有住宅1年的温室气体排放进行预估。结果表明:1)城市住宅建筑中的矿产资源循环利用潜力巨大,21个小区矿产资源储量达到729.3万t;2)研究区562栋框架和70栋剪刀墙结构住宅占95.48%,框架、剪刀墙结构住宅温室气体排放量远高于砖混结构,随着新建住宅中框架和剪刀墙结构不断增加,未来的环境压力也随之增大;3)研究区预计可回收利用的建材365.8万t,通过对建筑垃圾分类处理和循环利用带来积极的资源、环境和经济效益。Abstract: Mining urban mineral resource deposits to compensate for the shortage of primary mineral resources is of great significance. The key to this problem is to estimate urban mineral deposits accurately. This research focused on the residence buildings and estimated the potential mineral deposits on a community scale. In this paper, Huilongguan community in Beijing was chosen as an example, and the in-use stock of 662 residence buildings in 21 communities was estimated quantitatively. Mineral deposits were estimated according to the life cycle of China's residence building, and the number of recoverable resources was calculated furthermore. Annual greenhouse gas emissions of current buildings were also estimated. The results showed that:1) potential deposits of mineral resources were large and the total amount in 21 communities reached 7.293 million tons; 2) buildings of 562 frame and 70 shear wall structures took 95.48% of the whole, and their greenhouse gas emissions were much higher than brick-concrete structure buildings. Environmental pressure would be greater as frame and shear wall structure buildings become dominant in the future; 3) the estimated recyclable materials deposit were 3.658 million tons and might have beneficial resource, and environmental effects through classified treatment and recycling.
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