摘要: 为探究原油对土壤团聚体粒径和稳定性的影响,以模拟污染土壤为研究对象,研究了在不同原油污染量(2%、5%、10%)和污染时间(2,15,30 d)条件下,土壤机械稳定团聚体和水稳定团聚体的粒径和含油量等参数的变化。结果表明:原油提升了土壤粒径>2 mm的机械稳定团聚体和水稳定团聚体含量,降低了粒径<0.25 mm的机械稳定团聚体和水稳定团聚体含量。随着污染时间增加,粒径>2 mm的团聚体含量显著增加,粒径<0.25 mm的团聚体含量显著降低。相同粒径团聚体的含油量随着土壤总原油量的增加而增加,原油量为10%的土壤各粒径团聚体的含油量最高;原油在不同粒径团聚体中的分配顺序为:2 mm以上>0.25~2 mm>0.25 mm以下,且粒径>2 mm的团聚体中分配的原油量占原油总量的60%以上。总体来说,原油污染改变了土壤团聚体的粒径分布,增加了团聚体的稳定性,促进了土壤中粒径>2 mm的大团聚体的形成,而原油主要赋存在大团聚体中。Abstract: To explore the effects of crude oil contamination on the particle size and stability of soil aggregates, taking the simulated polluted soil as the research object, parameters such as particle size of soil mechanically stable aggregates, particle size of water-stable aggregates and crude oil concentration of aggregates under the condition of different crude oil content (2%, 5%, 10%) and different polluting duration (2 d, 15 d, 30 d) were studied. The results showed that: the proportions of mechanically stable aggregates and water-stable aggregates with a particle size of 2 mm above were increased by crude oil, and the proportions of mechanically stable aggregates and water-stable aggregates with a particle size of less than 0.25 mm were reduced. With the polluting duration prolonged, the proportion of aggregates with a particle size of 2 mm above increased significantly, and the proportion of aggregates with a particle size of 0.25mm below decreased significantly. The crude oil concentration of aggregates with the same particle size increased with the increase of total oil content of the soil. The distribution of crude oil in aggregates with different particle sizes decreased in the order of 2 mm above >0.25 to 2 mm>0.25 mm below. The distribution of crude oil in aggregates with a particle size of 2 mm above accounted for more than 60% of the total crude oil. Crude oil changed the particle sizes of soil aggregates, increased the stability of aggregates and promoted the formation of large aggregates with a particle size of 2 mm above. Crude oil was mainly distributed in large aggregates.
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