摘要: 为调查华南地区居民生活排污情况及地块内部水质变化情况,选取南宁市3个代表性生活小区进行楼宇污水管和出水口的全天水质水量监测。结果表明:居民全天水量峰期为7:00—9:00、11:00—13:00及20:00—23:00,水质峰期为6:00—9:00、11:00—13:00及18:00—21:00;排污规律与居民生活小区特性相关,生活污水中氮、磷污染物高度同源,80%以上来源于人体排泄,洗涤剂含量与磷化合物浓度并不呈相关性;经过化粪池后污水水质仍存在衰减,化粪池后每1 km的污水管道污水COD可削减34 mg/L,削减率为11.7%;以楼宇污水管水质和人均日生活用水量计算出3个小区居民COD、NH3-N、TN、TP、BOD5、LAS人均生活排污系数分别为52.2,7.1,8.7,0.61,25.4,0.49 g/(人·d)。
- 楼宇污水管 /
- 排污规律 /
- 水质削减 /
- 人均生活污染物排放量
Abstract: In order to investigate the domestic life sewage discharge situation of urban residents in South China and the change of water quality inside the plot, taking Nanning as an example, three representative living quarters were selected to monitor the water quality and quantity of the building sewage pipes and outlets throughout the day. The results showed that the peak period of water volume throughout the day was 7:00—9:00, 11:00—13:00, and 20:00—23:00, and the peak period of water quality throughout the day was 6:00—9:00, 11:00—13:00 and 18:00—21:00, sewage pollutants discharge was closely related to the characteristics of residential communities. Nitrogen and phosphorus pollutants in domestic sewage were highly homologous, more than 80% of which come from human excretion. There was no correlation between detergent content and phosphorus compounds’ concentration. After the septic tank, the water quality was still attenuating. After the septic tank, the COD of every 1 km sewage pipeline could be reduced by 34 mg/L, and the reduction rate was 11.7%. Based on the water quality of building sewage pipes and daily water consumption per capita, the per capita domestic sewage discharge coefficient of COD, NH3-N, TN, TP, BOD5, and LAS of the selected urban residents was 52.2, 7.1, 8.7, 0.61, 25.4, 0.49 g/(p·d), respectively. -
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