摘要: 2020年11月(枯水期)及2021年3月(平水期)和6月(丰水期)开展了白荡湖流域水文、水质、浮游动植物现场调查,评价了水文连通性,揭示了其浮游生物群落结构的关键影响因子。结果表明:白荡湖流域水文连通受到不同水文期的直接影响,表现为丰水期优于平水期和枯水期;浮游植物和浮游动物群落优势种、丰度及生物量均呈季节性差异,优势种均为丰水期最多,枯水期最少,浮游植物优势门类为绿藻-硅藻-蓝藻类型,浮游动物优势种为轮虫类和枝角类,而生物量和物种丰度均呈丰水期>平水期>枯水期的趋势。从空间分布特征上,浮游植物Shannon-Wiener指数和Margalef指数均为湖区最低,杨市河上游最高;而Pielou指数则在罗昌河入湖口最高;浮游动物Shannon-Wiener指数和Margalef指数最低值和最高值均在罗昌河中上游;Pielou指数在杨市河入湖口最低,罗昌河上游最高。RDA显示,影响浮游植物群落结构的关键影响因子为T、DO和TN,而浮游动物则为TP和HCI。研究明确了白荡湖流域浮游生物群落结构特征,揭示了水文连通对浮游生物群落结构的影响,为深入研究该水系生态健康和保护修复提供科学依据。Abstract: Three field investigations of water level, velocity, water quality, phytoplankton and zooplankton were carried out in Baidang Lake Basin, Anhui Province in November 2020, and March and June 2021. The key environmental factors affecting the plankton community structure in the Baidang Lake Basin were explored and evaluated for hydrological connectivity. The results showed that the river-lake connectivity of the Baidang Lake Basin was highest in the wet season (June), followed by the normal season (March), and then dry season (November). The dominant species, abundance and biomass of phytoplankton and zooplankton communities showed significant seasonal differences, in which the dominant species of phytoplankton were green algae, diatoms and cyanobacteria, and the dominant species of zooplankton were rotifers and cladocerans. There was a trend of wet season>normal season>dry season in biomass and abundance. The Shannon Wiener and Margalef index of phytoplankton were lowest in the lake area, and highest in the upper reaches of the Yangshi River; while the lowest value of Pielou index was in the lake area, and the highest value was at the entrance of the Luochang River. For the zooplankton, the lowest values of Shannon Wiener index and Margalef index were in the middle reaches of the Luochang River, and the highest value was in the upper reaches of the Luochang River; while Pielou index was the lowest at the entrance of the Yangshi River and the highest at the upper reaches of the Luochang River. Redundancy analysis showed that the key environmental factors affecting the dominant species of phytoplankton were T, DO and TN, while that of the dominant species of zooplankton were TP and HCI. This study clarified the characteristics of the plankton community structure in the Baidang Lake Basin, and revealed the impact of hydrological connectivity on plankton community structure, which provided a scientific basis for further study of ecological health, and protection and restoration of the lake basin.
Key words:
- hydrological connectivity /
- phytoplankton /
- zooplankton /
- RDA /
- Baidang Lake Basin
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