摘要: 以铜陵市河湖湿地为研究对象,通过开展2020年12月(枯水期)、2021年3月(平水期)和6月(丰水期)的水环境和浮游生物采样调查,综合分析浮游生物群落结构的时空变化特征,探讨了水环境因子、水闸分布等对浮游生物群落结构的影响。结果显示:共采集到的浮游植物有7门60属102种,主要隶属于蓝藻门和硅藻门,春季、夏季物种数多,冬季物种数少;共采集到的浮游动物有3门21属32种,其中轮虫占优势。铜陵市河湖湿地浮游生物群落结构主要受水温、溶解氧、总磷等环境因子的影响,此外还与水闸分布密度密切相关。高密度的水闸分布影响河湖的自然生境,浮游生物密度较高。从城市河湖湿地长期保护与生态修复的角度考虑,在保障防洪排涝的条件下,适当调节水闸的分布以及开启频率,可为浮游生物提供更有利的湿地生境条件。Abstract: The Tongling river-lake wetlands were selected to investigate the water environment and plankton population composition in December, 2020, March and June, 2021. Temporal and spatial variations of the plankton community were analyzed. In addition, the effects of environmental factors and sluices density on plankton community structure were investigated. The results showed that 102 species of phytoplankton in 60 genera and 7 phyla were identified, mainly belonging to Cyanophyta and Diatom. Phytoplankton species were mainly found in spring and summer, but less in winter. In total, 3 phyla, 21 genera and 32 species of zooplankton were collected, and rotifers were the dominant type. The structure of the plankton community was jointly affected by environmental factors such as water temperature, dissolved oxygen and total phosphorus and sluices density. The distribution of high-density sluices affected the natural habitats of rivers and lakes, and the density of plankton was high. From the perspectives of long-term protection and ecological restoration of the urban river and lake wetlands, under the condition of ensuring flood control and drainage, properly adjusting the distribution and opening frequency of water conservancy facilities can provide favourable wetland habitat condition for plankton.
Key words:
- urban river-lake wetland /
- plankton /
- environmental factors /
- sluices density /
- Tongling
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