摘要: 汉石桥湿地自然保护区在北京市涵养水源、调节气候以及保护生物多样性等方面发挥着重要作用。随着近年来华北地区气候暖干化、城市化,汉石桥湿地缺水问题严重,导致其生态严重退化。南水北调等输水工程缓解了北京地区的水资源紧张,为汉石桥湿地生态补水奠定了基础条件。然而,根据汉石桥湿地生态水系网络特征与生物多样性需求,制定科学、高效、可持续的生态补水方案,依然是亟待解决的问题。基于多年观测数据和实地测量结果,从水域面积、芦苇适宜生境、水文连通性3个角度探究确定湿地最适水位及对应生态补水量。研究表明,维持汉石桥正常生态功能的水位在25.7 m以上,最适水位为26.2 m。当超过最适水位后,生态补水的效用逐渐递减并趋于稳定。基于此,研究利用水动力模型对湿地的水动力过程进行模拟,发现单路补水使湿地北部水动力得到显著改善,但整体效果不佳;双路补水既能改善入水口区域水动力情况,又能提升总体水动力条件;而三入水口补水,则可以使水动力改善空间分布更均衡。该研究结果可为提升汉石桥湿地保护区生态补水效率、推进湿地生态系统的可持续发展提供理论支撑。Abstract: Hanshiqiao Wetland Nature Reserve plays an essential role in water conservation, local climate regulation, and biodiversity protection of Beijing. In recent years, as the warming-drying trend and urbanization become remarkable in North China, Hanshiqiao Wetland faces severe water shortage problems, causing severe degradation of the ecology. Due to the implementation of water delivery projects such as the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, the shortage of water resources in Beijing has been effectively erased, making the supplement project of ecological water in the Hanshiqiao Wetland possible. However, formulating a scientific, efficient, and sustainable supplement plan is still an urgent problem, where the characteristics of the ecological water system network and needs of biodiversity in the Hanshiqiao Wetland should be considered. Based on observation data and field measurement results, this paper explored and determined the optimum water level of wetlands and the corresponding supplement project of ecological water from 3 perspectives:wetland water area, suitable habitat for reeds, and hydrological connectivity. The results showed that the water level must be at least 25.7 m to maintain the normal ecological function, and the optimum water level was 26.2 m. If the wetland water level exceeded the optimum water level, the effectiveness of the supplement project would gradually decrease and then become stable. Furtherly, we simulated the hydrodynamic process of the wetland by the MIKE21 model under four scenarios. Then, we explored the influence of different water supplement projects on the hydrodynamic process of the Hanshiqiao Wetland. We found that the hydrodynamic behavior of the north part got significantly improved, under the water replenishment scenario from the single route, however, the average velocity of the entire wetland did not markedly improve. The hydrodynamic behavior at the entrance of two replenishment routes and the entire wetland was improved. When the water replenishment was conducted by three divided routes, the hydrodynamic behavior was distributed more evenly. The research results provide necessary theoretical support for improving the efficiency of ecological water supplements and promoting the sustainable development of the wetland ecosystem in the Hanshiqiao Wetland Reserve.
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