摘要: 旅游业发展应注重生态和社会经济的协调有序,生态旅游兼顾区域经济发展和生态保护,符合高效生态经济发展战略,是黄河三角洲高效生态经济区产业结构的重要组成部分,然而高效生态经济区旅游业起步晚、发展滞缓;同时,脆弱的生态环境以及围垦开发活动使得该区域在旅游开发和旅游活动中生态保护的重要性尤为突出。通过建立包含湿地生态指标的多层次旅游环境承载力评价指标体系,依托最小限制因子法,评估生态、空间、设施和社会环境容量及承载力,判识旅游环境容量的主要限制因子,以期诊断影响研究区旅游环境承载力的主要问题。结果表明:1)黄河三角洲高效生态经济区旅游环境日容量由1995年的-288.57万人升至2020年的11.60万人,但旅游环境承载力仍为严重超载;2)1995,2020年的最小限制因子分别为污水处理和交通设施,且仅有这2个指标超载,其他指标均为弱载,所有指标均不适载;3)1995年旅游环境承载力主要受限于生态环境容量,而2020年旅游环境容量二级指标顺序为空间>社会>生态>设施;4)目前,旅游设施超载,而包括湿地生态指标在内的生态环境和空间环境均弱载,服务供给不足以支撑旅游资源的充分利用,且湿地生态距离适载仍有较大的游客增长空间。研究成果为解决环境超载和弱载问题,实现资源的合理利用,及促进区域生态-经济有序协调发展提供科学依据和数据支撑。Abstract: The development of tourism should pay attention to the coordination and order of ecology and social economy. Ecotourism takes into account regional economic development and ecological protection, conforms to the development strategy of efficient ecological economy, and is an important part of the industrial structure of the efficient ecological economic zone in the Yellow River Delta. However, tourism started late and developed slowly in the efficient ecological economic zone of the Yellow River Delta. At the same time, the fragile ecological environment and reclamation activities make the importance of ecological protection in tourism development and tourism activities of this region particularly prominent. This study evaluated the ecological, spatial, facility and social environmental carrying capacities by building a multi-level evaluation model of tourism environmental carrying capacity and relying on the minimum limiting factor method, in order to identify the major limiting factors of the tourism environmental carrying capacity of the study area and to diagnose the major issues affecting the carrying capacity of the area. The result showed that:1) the tourism carrying capacity between 1995 and 2020 was severely overloaded, and the tourism environmental capacity of the high-efficiency ecological economic zone in the Yellow River Delta increased from -2885700 people per day to 116000 people per day in 2020. 2) Sewage treatment was the minimum limiting factor in 1995, and transportation facilities was the minimum limiting factor in 2020. Only the two indicators were overloaded, other indicators were weak load; all other indications were either not loaded or only slightly loaded. 3) In 1995, the carrying capacity of tourism environment was mainly limited by the capacity of ecological environment, while in 2020, space>social>ecological>facilities were the secondary indicators of the Yellow River Delta's high-efficiency ecological economic zone's environmental capacity. 4) The overcrowding of tourism facilities in the Yellow Delta contradicted the underutilization of resources and the weak loading of the ecological and spatial environments, including wetland ecological indicators. However, there was still enough of potential for tourist expansion from appropriate loading. The carrying capacity of the biological environment had decreased during the past 25 years, despite a general increase in the capacity of the tourism environment due to a more rapid increase in visitor numbers. In this paper, we clarified the tourism development space that wetland ecology could support, identified the main limiting factors of tourism development, and analyzed the tourism development status of high-efficiency ecological economic zones in the Yellow River Delta from the perspective of tourism environmental carrying capacity. The research results also provided scientific basis and data support for solving the problem of environmental overload and weak load, realizing the rational use of resources and promoting the orderly and coordinated development of regional eco-economy.
Key words:
- environmental capacity /
- scenic area /
- ecological tourism /
- wetland /
- multilevel evaluation
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