摘要: 底泥生态疏浚作为生态修复的重要措施之一,已广泛应用于太湖流域水环境综合治理。为解决区域的水环境问题,进一步提高人居环境质量,开展了锡山区宛山湖底泥污染和生态清淤研究。以宛山湖九里河口以北湖区为研究对象,通过对宛山湖基本情况及底泥污染现状调研分析,充分考虑通航和引水需求以及施工深度限制等因素,确定生态清淤范围和工程量。本次疏浚面积为0.75 km2,疏浚深度为0.3~1.3 m,疏浚总量为56.82万m3,其中底泥清淤34.82万m3,航道疏槽22.00万m3。从清淤要求、清淤深度、清淤设备选择、清淤工艺等关键技术点着手制定宛山湖北部湖区底泥清淤方案。通过对先导区污染底泥的生态清淤,有效削减底泥内源污染,促进宛山湖水体水质改善,并为宛山湖水生态修复奠定基础,具有显著的环境和社会效益。Abstract: As one of the important ecological restoration measures, sediment dredging has been widely used for the comprehensive restoration of the polluted water system in the Taihu Lake basin. In order to solve the regional environmental problems of the water system and further improve the quality of human settlements, we selected the north lake area of Jiuli Estuary in the Wanshan Lake in Xishan District in Wuxi and studied sediment pollution and ecological dredging. Our study determined the range and quantity of the dredging by analyzing the basic and present situation of sediment pollution in the Wanshan Lake with a full consideration of several limiting factors such as navigation, water demand and constructional depth. The results showed that the whole project achieved 568200 m3 of dredging with an area of 0.75 square kilometers and depth of 0.3 to 1.3 m, including 348200 m3 of sediment dredging, and 220,000 m3 of channel dredging. Several key aspects of techniques were considered for the deeper dredging in northern Wanshan Lake, including desilting requirement, dredging depth, dredging equipment selection and dredging process. As a whole, this study highlighted that ecological dredging effectively reduced the sediment pollution level and water quality of the Wanshan Lake, which laid a solid foundation for the restoration of the polluted water bodies.
Key words:
- wetland restoration /
- the Wanshan Lake /
- sediment dredging /
- ecological silting /
- water management
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