摘要: 装修垃圾具有组分多且复杂、垃圾性质波动性大等特点,其处理工艺需结合垃圾来源区域内实地尽调情况确定。以上海市某典型装修垃圾处理项目为例,其工艺路线为"两级破碎+多级分选"。一级筛分单元后实际物料分布与设计物料平衡存在显著性差异,后端分选设备利用率处于较低水平,可实施的工艺改进措施包括物料分流或调整上层筛板规格。改进后,相同规格的3台箱式风选机实际接收处理负荷占比接近,物料分布均匀性趋于合理。经济效益方面,处理线运营成本折算约为114.49元/t,其中人工费、残渣焚烧处置费和残渣填埋处置费占比分别为20.69%、19.22%和14.11%;经营收入折算约为26.45元/t,以再生砖产品和再生骨料出售为主。制砖线运营成本、产品品质受水泥掺比影响显著,其中水泥掺比从10%增加至20%时,再生标砖抗压强度平均值从13.9 MPa增加至18.1 MPa;最优化水泥掺比为15%时,制砖线难以维持收支平衡。装修垃圾处理项目在无政府补贴情况下,项目投资收益和经济效益较低,这是目前该领域发展的主要瓶颈。Abstract: Decoration waste has the characteristics of multiple and complex components and large fluctuation of waste properties. The treatment process should be determined by on-site diligence in the waste source area. Taking a typical decoration waste project in Shanghai as an example, its process route is "two-stage crushing+multi-stage sorting", and there is a significant difference between the actual and the designed material balance after the primary screening unit. The utilization rate of the back-end sorting equipment was at a low level. The practical process improvement measures included material diversion or adjusting the upper sieve plate specification. After the improvement, the proportion of the actual receiving and processing load of the three box-type air separators with the same specification was close, and the material distribution uniformity tended to be reasonable. In terms of economic benefits, the operation cost of the treatment line was converted to about 114.49 yuan/t, of which the labour cost, residue incineration disposal cost and residue landfill disposal cost accounted for 20.69%, 19.22% and 14.11% respectively; the operating income was about 26.45 yuan/t, mainly from the sale of recycled brick products and recycled aggregates. The operation cost and product quality of brick making line were significantly affected by the cement mixing ratio. When the cement mixing ratio increased from 10% to 20%, the average compressive strength of recycled standard bricks increased from 13.9 MPa to 18.1 MPa; when the optimum cement mixing ratio was 15%, it was difficult for the brick making line to maintain the balance of revenue and expenditure. The decoration waste project had low investment income and economic benefit without government support, which is the main bottleneck of the industry development in this field.
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