摘要: 在"双碳"目标背景下,温室气体排放核算以及数据质量管理工作的重要性逐渐提升。用电排放是企业重要排放源,电网排放因子会直接影响核算结果。总结分析了国内电网排放因子研究情况,在2020年等公开数据的基础上,计算了2020年中国区域电网排放因子和省级电网排放因子,并与2010年数据进行对比分析。结果表明,2020年电网排放因子相对2010年电网因子下降趋势明显,且地区间差异增大。2020年省级电网排放因子与其对应区域电网排放因子偏差率平均值达到23%。与区域电网排放因子相比,省级电网排放因子核算结果更为精确可明显改善温室气体排放核算的数据质量,因此更适合用于估算用电隐含排放。Abstract: Facing with the "double carbon" target of China, the importance of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission accounting and data quality management has gradually increased. Electricity emission is an important emission source of enterprises, and the electricity emission factors will directly affect the accounting results. On the basis of the published date such as Yearbook 2022, the regional electricity emission factors and provincial electricity emission factors for 2020 were calculated and compared with the data in 2010. The results showed that the power emission factor in 2020 was decreasing compared with that in 2010, and the difference between regions was increasing. The average deviation rate of the provincial grid emission factors from their corresponding regional grid emission factors reached 23% in 2020. Compared with regional electricity emission factors, provincial electricity emission factors were more accurate in accounting results, and significantly improved the quality date for greenhouse gas emission accounting, so they were more suitable for estimating electricity implied emissions.
Key words:
- provincial power grid /
- regional power grid /
- greenhouse gas /
- emission factor
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