摘要: 供水系统短期需水量预测是供水管网优化调度的基础,预测的准确性对供水调度有重要影响。图神经网络是一种新型神经网络架构,通过学习对象的拓扑特征优化学习效果。利用供水管网的拓扑特征搭建了图波网络(Graph Wavenet)模型,用于学习供水管网各监测点的空间拓扑关系及其需水量时间序列关系,实现了更准确的供水管网短期需水量预测。使用真实管网历史数据训练Graph Wave Net模型,未来5 min预测的最小百分比误差达到1.28%,平均百分比误差达到1.34%。实验成功地将给水管网拓扑结构用于优化深度学习模型效果,使用图卷积网络模型有效提升了供水管网短期需水量预测精度。并对图神经网络在供水管网领域的应用前景进行了简要探讨。Abstract: Water demand forecasting is the basis of the optimization of water networks, and its accuracy is important for the following work. Graph neural network, an emerging architect, takes advantage of the topological information to enhance the learning results, which means the topology of the water network can an input feature of the graph-based neural network model and lift the prediction accuracy. This work tried to utilize Graph Wavenet model in water demand forecasting and make use of the topological feature of the water network. After utilizing real-world history data in the training process, the average 5 min prediction MAPE error result was 1.28%. Besides, this experiment showed that Graph Wavenet raised the prediction accuracy, compared to WaveNet without graph convolution operation, confirming the contribution of the graph convolution mechanism. This work also talked about future applications of GNN on water distribution networks.
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