摘要: 湖泊沉水植物表面的附生藻类参与生态系统生物地球化学循环,对水环境的变化响应迅速,附生藻类爆发会限制沉水植物的光合作用并导致其退化。针对雄安新区白洋淀的优势沉水植物金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum)附生藻类群落展开研究,进行了金鱼藻休眠期和生长期的附生藻类调查及水体理化指标监测,分析了附生藻类群落结构特征及其与环境因素的相关关系,明确了金鱼藻休眠期和生长期附生藻类的群落特征及各藻门的关键环境影响因素。结果表明:在白洋淀沉水植物生长期和休眠期,硅藻的多样性和物种丰富度均最高,各藻门附着紧密程度顺序为硅藻门(Bacillariophyta)>绿藻门(Chlorophyta)>蓝藻门(Cyanophyta)>金藻门(Chrysophyta)。N/P对各藻门均存在显著影响,其中硅藻门卵形藻属(Cocconeis)、针杆藻属(Synedra)和脆杆藻属(Fragilaria)对N/P的适宜生态幅较宽,是当前白洋淀的全年优势物种(属);小环藻属(Cyclotella)、直链藻属(Melosira)、短缝藻属(Eunotia)、舟形藻属(Navicula)和异极藻属(Gomphonema)仅在休眠期高N/P条件下是优势种,更适宜在高N/P环境生存,生长期易受低N/P条件下的氮限制。溶解氧和总磷分别显著影响生长期和休眠期蓝藻丰度。N/P与蓝藻之间存在正反馈调节关系,且能显著影响绿藻的定植。为防止附生藻类爆发导致沉水植物退化,建议在白洋淀沉水植物生长期控制氮输入并增加补水,抑制绿藻和蓝藻的繁殖及其在植物表面的附着生长;在沉水植物休眠期控制磷输入,以预防硅藻爆发,保护沉水植物生长。Abstract: Epiphytes on the surface of submerged plants participate in the biogeochemical cycle of the ecosystem and respond quickly to the changes of water environment. Epiphytes blooms will limit the photosynthesis of submerged plants and further lead to their degradation. To clarify the traits of epiphytes community structure and its correlation with environmental factors, this study investigated the epiphyte community in the dormancy and growth period of Ceratophyllum demersum, the dominant submerged plant in the Baiyangdian Lake, Xiong’an New Area, and monitored physical and chemical environmental factors of the water column. Furthermore, key environmental factors for each phylum of epiphytes were identified. Results showed that the diversity and species richness of Bacillariophyta in the Baiyangdian Lake were highest both in the growing and dormancy periods. The epiphytes attachment sort was Bacillariophyta>Chlorophyta>Cyanobacteria>Chrysophyta. The ratio of N/P had a significant effect on all phylum of epiphytes. Cocconeis, Synedra and Fragilaria were annual dominant species (genera), and their ecological amplitude of N/P ratio was relatively wider. Cyclotella, Melosira, Eunotia, Navicula and Gomphonema became the dominant species only in the dormancy period of high N/P ratio. It demonstrated that they were more suitable for living in an environment of high N/P ratio, and more vulnerable to a nitrogen-limited environment, i.e., the growing period with low N/P ratio. Dissolved oxygen and total phosphorus significantly affected the abundance of Cyanophyta during growth and dormancy periods, respectively. A positive feedback loop existed between N/P ratio and Cyanophyta, and the colonization of Chlorophyta was significantly affected by N/P ratio. To prevent the degradation of submerged plants caused by epiphytes bloom, controlling nitrogen input and increasing water supply were suggested to inhibit the reproduction and colonization of Chlorophyta and Cyanophyta during the growing period of submerged plants in Baiyangdian Lake. By contrast, during the dormancy period, controlling phosphorus input and decreasing water supply is necessary to prevent Bacillariophyta bloom and protect submerged plant growth.
Key words:
- submerged plants /
- epiphytes /
- community structure /
- the Baiyangdian Lake /
- environmental factors
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