摘要: 聚焦某石化企业芳烃、烯烃及炼油生产区域,针对芳烃连续重整、芳烃制氢、烯烃催化裂解和炼油常减压蒸馏4套活性VOCs组分较多的生产装置,开展了装置VOCs排放特征研究。使用苏玛罐对装置无组织逸散环节VOCs废气进行采集,并通过气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)对106种VOCs组分进行定性定量分析,采用VOCs最大增量反应活性(MIR)来计算各装置VOCs排放对大气中O3生成的贡献。结果表明:烷烃是4套装置的VOCs特征组分,质量分数为42.17%~93.57%。烯烃裂解装置卤代烃质量分数为30.08%,常减压蒸馏装置芳香烃质量分数为27.83%;丙烷、乙烷、1,2-二氯乙烷和正庚烷是石化行业企业VOCs排放特征物种;4套装置臭氧生成贡献OFP为0.49~30.05 mg/m3,其顺序为炼油常减压蒸馏装置(30.05 mg/m3)>芳烃制氢装置(4.21 mg/m3)>芳烃连续重整装置(2.57 mg/m3)>烯烃裂解装置(0.49 mg/m3);排名前20位的物种对OFP的贡献率为87.89%~94.47%,异丁烷、丙烷、正丁烷和对,间-二甲苯是行业的关键活性物种。研究显示,石化行业不同生产装置所排放的VOCs组分复杂不一,对臭氧生成贡献也存在显著性差异,建议根据研究筛选出的关键活性组分针对性制定石化行业企业VOCs减排策略。Abstract: Focusing on the aromatics, olefins and refining production areas of a petrochemical enterprise, a study was conducted to characterize VOCs emission from four production units with a high number of active VOCs components: aromatics continuous reforming, aromatics hydrogen production, olefins catalytic cracking and refining normal-reduced pressure distillation. The VOCs emission from the disorganized fugitive links of the units was collected using Suma canisters, and the 106 VOCs components were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and the maximum incremental reactivity (MIR) of VOCs was used to calculate the contribution of VOCs emissions from each unit to the atmospheric O3 generation. The results showed that alkanes were the featured VOCs components in the four units, with the mass fraction share ranging from 42.17% to 93.57%. The mass fraction of halogenated hydrocarbons in the olefin cracking unit accounted for 30.08%, and the mass fraction of aromatic hydrocarbons in the normal-reduced pressure distillation unit accounted for 27.83%; propane, ethane, 1,2-dichloroethane and n-heptane were the featured species of VOCs emission from petrochemical industry enterprises; the OFP of the four units ranged from 0.49 to 30.05 mg/m3, in a descending order of refining normal reduced-pressure distillation unit (30.05 mg/m3)>aromatics hydrogen production unit (4.21 mg/m3)>aromatics continuous reforming unit (2.57 mg/m3)>olefin cracking unit (0.49 mg/m3); the contribution of the top 20 species to OFP ranged from 87.89% to 94.47%, with isobutane, propane, n-butane and p,m-xylene as the key active species in the industry. The study showed that the VOCs emitted from different production units of petrochemicals had different complex components and significant differences in their contribution to ozone generation. It is recommended to develop targeted VOCs emission reduction strategies for industry enterprises based on the screened key reactive components.
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