摘要: 近年来,广西中小型水库水位持续下降,突发性泛黑现象造成的水质问题引起了研究者的广泛关注,为探讨致黑关键因子铁(Fe)、锰(Mn)及硫化物在低水位运行状态下的迁移转化规律,充分运用2018—2021年的气象水文、水质数据等资料,结合低水位期长期分层采样数据,得出以下结论:入库流量长期低于出库流量导致水库蓄水量减少,低频低量降雨是水位持续走低的重要原因;低水位下热分层期底层水体平均溶解氧含量为1.79 mg/L,混合深度与水深比值随季节更替变化,水位越低(浅水区)越易达到完全混合状态;低水位促进水体Fe、Mn浓度增加(4.28,5.41 mg/L),分别达到2018年的3.67,3.68倍,加剧了沉积物污染释放;泛黑现象出现区域差异性,横向理化性质差异和污染物迁移是其重要原因,混合期和分层期季节性交替形成的水体环境是Fe、Mn蓄积及其迁移转化的关键驱动因素。Abstract: In recent years, the water level of reservoirs in Guangxi continued to decline. Water quality problems caused by the sudden blackening phenomenon attracted widespread attention. In order to explore the migration and transformation law of iron, manganese and sulfide under the low water level, we comprehensively investigated and analyzed meteorological, hydrological, and water quality data from 2018 to 2021 and continuous sampling data during the low water level period. The results showed that long-term inflow led to a decrease in the reservoir storage capacity. Water level fluctuation was mainly affected by low-frequency and low-volume rainfall. The average dissolved oxygen concentration of the bottom water in the thermal stratification period was 1.79 mg/L when the water depth descended to about 11 meters. Mixing depth of low water level area was closely related to completely mixed. Further analysis results indicate that the water level declining promoted the increase of Fe and Mn concentrations (4.28 mg/L and 5.41 mg/L), reaching 3.67, 3.68 times that of 2018. Horizontal physical and chemical property differences and the migration of pollutants occurred by thermal stratification led to the deterioration of water quality. In general, the blackening phenomenon presented regional differences. Seasonal alternation of the mixing period and stratification period is the driving factor for the accumulation, migration and transformation of Fe and Mn.
Key words:
- low water level /
- dissolved oxygen /
- transverse law /
- iron /
- manganese
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