摘要: 为研究平原河网地区中小河流水质变化特征,以浙江省嘉善县为研究区域,基于2015-2020年区域内14个监测断面逐月水质监测数据,采用综合水质指数(WQI)法对河流水质进行综合评价,并结合M-K趋势检验方法和地理信息系统(GIS),探究河流水质时空变化特征。结果表明:基于WQI值分析,河流水质整体均值为65.09,评价等级为"中等";河流水质存在显著的时空差异,2015-2020年,河流水质显著改善,年内总体呈现非汛期水质优于汛期水质,北部水质优于南部水质的规律;河流水质时空差异主要受降雨、人类活动和土地利用方式等因素影响。研究结果可为平原河网地区河流水污染防治及水质综合管理提供参考。Abstract: Taking the typical small and medium-sized rivers of the plain river network area in Jiashan County of Zhejiang Province as the study area, the water quality index (WQI) method was used for water quality assessment, according to monthly monitoring data of fourteen sections from 2015 to 2020. On this basis, the spatio-temporal variation characteristics of the water quality were explored using the Mann-Kendall (M-K) trend test combined with geographic information system (GIS). The results indicated that the average WQI value was 65.09 in the five years, showing the evaluation level of "medium". The water quality of rivers had obvious spatio-temporal differences i. e., water quality was improved gradually from 2015 to 2020, superior in non-flood season to flood season within intra-annual variation and better in the northern area compared to southern. The main influencing factors of spatio-temporal differences in water quality were precipitation, human activity and land use types. These results would provide critical information for the management of water resources.
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