摘要: 为揭示昆明市时空序列水资源承载力转移演变规律,为区域水资源优化配置和可持续开发利用提供决策支持,构建了基于熵权法的水资源承载力综合评价模型,并借助马尔可夫转移模型,对对象研究区内各县(区)25年间的水资源承载力的时空转移和演化特征进行分析。结果表明:研究区水资源承载能力总体偏低,空间差异明显。其中,昆明市北部及东北部区域是资源性缺水的水资源承载力较低区,研究期内水资源承载力多年平均值为0.26~0.38;中部及西南部区域经济发达、人口密度最大,是供水性短缺的水资源承载能力较低区,研究期内水资源承载力多年平均值为0.30~0.41;东南部区域降水量相对丰富,人口密度低,水资源承载能力相对较高,研究期内水资源承载力多年平均值为0.37~0.54。此外,研究区水资源承载能力总体上空间转移变化频次较高。其中,中部地区在研究期5个时段内变化频次最大,达4次之多,表明研究区水资源承载力水平阶段性变化较大,这与研究区降水量时空分布极不均衡、水资源供需不平衡、季节性缺水和人口分布特征有较大关系。Abstract: In order to reveal the changing law of water resources carrying capacity (WRCC) in Kunming and provide decision support for regional water resources allocation and sustainable utilization, this paper constructed a comprehensive evaluation model of WRCC based on the entropy weight method and Markov transfer model, and analyzed the results of the spatiotemporal transfer and evolution characteristics of WRCC in the study area over the past 25 years. The results showed that the overall water resource carrying capacity of the research area is relatively low, with significant spatial differences. Among them, the northern and northeastern regions are areas with low water resource carrying capacity due to resource scarcity, with an average annual water resource carrying capacity of 0.26 to 0.38 during the research period; the central and southwest regions have developed economies and the largest population density, and are low in water resources carrying capacity due to water shortage. The multi-year average value of water resources carrying capacity in the study period is 0.30 to 0.41; the southeast region is relatively rich in precipitation, low in population density, and relatively higher in water resources carrying capacity. The multi-year average value of water resources carrying capacity in the study period is 0.37 to 0.54. In addition, the overall spatial transfer and change frequency of water resource carrying capacity in the research area is relatively high. Among them, the frequency of changes in the central region reached a maximum of four times during the five research periods, indicating that the level of water resource carrying capacity in the study area has a significant periodic change, which is closely related to the extremely uneven spatiotemporal distribution of precipitation, imbalanced supply and demand of water resources, seasonal water scarcity, and population distribution in the study area.
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