摘要: 厌氧消化是污泥资源化的主要方式之一,然而不同处理模式下污泥的能源回收和碳排放情况存在差异。根据联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)提供的核算准则,从碳减排的角度比较了4条污泥厌氧消化技术路线的能源回收与碳排放强度。结果表明:污泥传统厌氧消化(R1)、污泥热水解(90℃/170℃)-厌氧消化(R2)、污泥与餐厨垃圾共消化(R3)和污泥热水解(170℃)-餐厨垃圾共消化(R4)4种不同情境下的甲烷产量顺序为R1 < R290℃ < R2170℃ < R3 < R4,净碳排放量顺序为R3 < R290℃ < R1 < R4 < R2170℃。各技术路线通过能源回收,均实现了碳中和率>100%,净碳排放量为负碳排放。针对碳排放特征进一步分析发现,R2170℃相较于R290℃甲烷产量增加15.4%,但是热量消耗也增加110%,间接碳排放增加74.3%,导致净碳排放量增加60.5%;R4相较于R3甲烷产量增加6.3%,但热量消耗增加110%,间接碳排放增加95.9%,导致净碳排放量增加61.9%。R3相较于R2170℃的甲烷产量增加40.9%,同时热量消耗减少52.7%,碳排放量减少413%,说明在同等处理条件下,污泥与餐厨垃圾共消化较热水解预处理模式在能源回收和碳减排等方面均更具优势。因此,在考虑不同技术途径实现污泥资源化和碳减排时,应兼顾厌氧消化甲烷的增量与其可能导致的能源消耗增加之间的平衡。Abstract: Anaerobic digestion (AD) is one of the promising approaches to treat sludge for resource recovery and carbon reduction, but the efficiency of resource recovery and carbon reduction varied greatly under different treatment strategies. This work comprehensively evaluated the energy recovery and carbon emissions of four different treatment routes (i.e. conventional anaerobic digestion (R1), hydrothermal pretreatment at 90℃/170℃ (R2), co-digestion (R3) and hydrothermal pretreatment with co-digestion (R4), based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) methodology. Results indicated that the methane production followed an order of R1 < R290℃ < R2170℃ < R3 < R4, while the net carbon emission followed an order of R3 < R290℃ < R1 < R4 < R2170℃. All routes have achieved the aims of carbon neutrality >100% and negative carbon emissions, due to the self-sufficient heat and electricity. R2170℃ generated 15.4% more methane than R290℃, but simultaneously increased 110% heat consumption and 60.5% carbon emissions (with a proportion of 74.3% indirect carbon emission). R4 produced 6.3% more methane than R3, but also increased 110% heat consumption and 61.9% carbon emissions (with a proportion of 95.9% indirect carbon emission). However, in R3, more than 40.9% methane was generated compared with that of R2170℃, and it also reduced 52.7% heat consumption and 413% carbon emissions. These results implied that the co-digestion showed advantages over hydrothermal pretreatment for sludge anaerobic treatment in view of both energy recovery and carbon emission reduction. A balance between more energy input and increased operational performance should be considered in selecting the optimal sludge treatment route.
Key words:
- carbon reduction /
- anaerobic co-digestion /
- sludge /
- food wastes /
- hydrothermal pretreatment /
- energy recovery
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