摘要: 水泥行业是我国实现碳中和的关键行业之一。为了揭示水泥窑协同处置废弃物节能减排的效果,基于全生命周期理论,分别对水泥窑协同处置危废、生活垃圾、一般固废的碳排放与常规水泥生产进行对比,并对水泥行业碳减排路径进行分析。结果表明:碳酸盐和煤炭消耗组成的煅烧是主要的温室气体排放源,占52.37%~62.84%。各工艺类型水泥生产排放的CO2量顺序为常规水泥生产>水泥窑协同处置生活垃圾>水泥窑协同处置一般固废>水泥窑协同处置危废,分别为883.65,772.67,656.30,609.79 kg/t,说明协同处置废弃物在减少CO2排放量上具有一定的优势。此外,政策管控、能源结构调整、原(燃)料替代及提高能效技术、余热发电技术和CCUS技术也是实现水泥行业碳中和目标的主要措施和手段。该成果可为水泥行业开展节能减排工作提供参考。Abstract: The cement industry is one of the key industries in China for achieving the goal of carbon neutrality. To reveal the effect of energy saving and emission reduction of cement kiln collaborative disposal waste, this study compared the carbon emissions of cement kiln collaborative disposal of hazardous waste, cement kiln collaborative disposal of domestic waste, cement kiln collaborative disposal of general solid waste, and conventional cement production, based on the whole life cycle theory, and analyzed the carbon emission reduction path of cement industry. The results showed that calcination composed of carbonate and coal consumption was the main source of greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for about 52.37%~62.84%. The amount of CO2 emitted by cement production was in the order of conventional cement production > cement kiln collaborative disposal of domestic waste > cement kiln coordinated disposal of general solid waste > cement kiln coordinated disposal of hazardous waste, which were 883.65 kg/t, 772.67 kg/t, 656.30 kg/t and 609.79 kg/t, respectively, indicating that collaborative disposal of waste had certain advantages in reducing CO2 emissions. Policy control, adjustment of energy structure, the substitution of raw (combustion), energy efficiency improvement technology, waste heat power generation technology and CCUS technology were the main measures to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality in the cement industry. This study could provide basic support for the cement industry to carry out energy conservation and emission reduction.
Key words:
- cement /
- coordinated disposal /
- carbon emissions accounting /
- carbon reduction
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