摘要: 为改善上进气卧式滤筒除尘器靠近进气口处滤纸易受损失效的问题,采用进口处增设导流板的方式,选取导流板板宽b、安装倾角β和距离花板安装位置x 3个因素作为因子,并考虑其彼此间的一阶交互作用,选取综合流量不均系数$\overline {{K_\xi }} $、除尘器静压压降ΔP、灰斗颗粒捕获率η作为导流板性能的评价参数,设计了3因素3水平正交试验进行CFD数值模拟,以确定导流板结构参数和安装参数的最佳匹配方案。对试验数据进行方差分析、单因素作用分析和交互作用分析,选择灰斗颗粒捕获率较优、压降较小的参数匹配方案,即b=120 mm、β=60°、x=140 mm。添加导流板后,除尘器ΔP仍在合适范围内,$\overline {{K_\xi }} $降低了11.5%,η提高了19.3%,滤筒处理气量均匀性得到改善,颗粒初分离效果有所提高,有利于延长滤筒的使用寿命。Abstract: By adding a spoiler at the inlet, the problem that the filter paper near the inlet of the upper intake horizontal cartridge dust-collector was easily damaged and invalid, got improved. To determine the best matching scheme of the structural and installation parameters of the spoiler, an orthogonal experiment with three factors and three levels was designed to conduct a CFD numerical simulation. In this experiment, the width of the spoiler b, the installation angle β and the distance from the installation position of the flower plate x, were selected as the factors, and the first order interaction between them was also taken into account. The performance of the spoiler was evaluated by the comprehensive flow distribution coefficient Δ$\overline {{K_\xi }} $, static pressure drop ΔP and ash-hopper particle capture rate η. After variance analysis, single factor analysis and interaction analysis of the experiment result, the parameter matching scheme with better ash-hopper particle capture rate and smaller pressure drop was selected, that was, b=120 mm, β=60° and x=140 mm. With the spoiler, ΔP was still within the appropriate range, Δ$\overline {{K_\xi }} $ decreased by 11.5% and η increased by 19.3%, indicating that the flow uniformity of the filter cartridge and the initial separation effect of particles were improved, which was good for extending the life of filter cartridges.
Key words:
- cartridge dust-collector /
- CFD /
- spoiler /
- interaction /
- orthogonal experiment
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