摘要: 近期国家相继出台了一系列关于重金属污染防治的政策、意见和规划。但在推进重金属减排的过程中存在一些阻碍,如摸底不清、缺乏定量路径研究和减排路径不系统。首先,钢铁厂的重金属排放因子未能考虑废物循环带来的二次排放问题。其次,有关钢铁厂重金属的物质流研究尚未报道。最后,已有的减排研究着重于某一生产环节或者某一具体问题,而缺乏系统性的减排潜力分析。鉴于上述问题,以Pb为例,采用物质流的分析方法,首次建立了钢铁厂的Pb素流,分析了钢铁厂重金属Pb的流动路径和关键排放节点;以源头削减和过程控制为减排思路,基于投入产出分析和情景设置,分析了当前重金属Pb的流动网络,探究钢铁厂重金属Pb的减排潜力。结果表明:系统Pb的输入量、循环量和输出量各值分别为341.32,357.06,129.41 g/t 粗钢;Pb主要在烧结工序和炼铁工序间富集循环;Pb主要来源于铁精矿和块矿,随着炉渣、废气和热轧卷输出;经源头削减和末端治理优化措施后,钢铁产品的Pb含量的削减比例在16.06%~30.69%。Abstract: Recently, China has issued policies, opinions and plans on heavy metal pollution prevention and control respectively. However, there were still some obstacles in the process of promoting heavy metal emission reduction, such as unclear accounting, lack of quantitative pathway studies and unsystematic emission reduction pathways. Specifically, firstly, the emission factors of heavy metals from the steelworks failed to consider the secondary emissions from waste recycling. Secondly, studies on the material flow of heavy metals from steelworks have not been reported. Finally, previous emission reduction studies focused on a specific production step or problem, but lacked a systematic analysis of emission reduction potential. In view of the above problems, this paper, taking the lead (Pb) as an example, adopted the substance flow analysis method to establish the Pb flow in steelworks for the first time, and analyzed the flow mechanism of Pb in steelworks. With source reduction, process control, and end-of-pipe treatment as emission reduction ideas, based on the input-output multi-objective optimization method, the current Pb flow network was optimized to explore the emission reduction potential of Pb in steelworks and provided technical suggestions for the reduction of Pb-content pollution in the steel industry. The results showed that the values of input, circulation, and output of Pb were 341.32 g/t-crude steel, 357.06 g/t-crude steel and 129.41 g/t-crude steel, respectively. Pb is enriched and circulated mainly between the sinter plant and the BF plant. Pb was mainly derived from iron ore concentrate and lump ore and exported with slag, waste gas and hot rolled coils. After source reduction and end-of-pipe treatment optimization, the reduction ratio of Pb content of steel products was between 16.06% and 30.69%.
Key words:
- steelworks /
- heavy metal Pb /
- substance flow analysis /
- discharge reduction potential
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