摘要: 物化除臭技术是实现好氧堆肥全方位除臭的重要技术组成。基于好氧堆肥中原位物化技术和异位物化技术的除臭特点,重点综述了各种物化技术的除臭机制和特征,分析了各种物化技术研究的重点和热点内容,指出了各物化技术的研究方向,最后作出了高效物化除臭研究的展望。未来应从除臭机理和模型、高性能物化除臭材料、臭气精准回收技术优化和创新,以及物化技术协同工艺等方面加强研究。该研究可为物化除臭技术的优化创新和深化应用提供理论参考。Abstract: Physicochemical deodorization technologies were the important technical components to realize the all-round deodorization of aerobic compost. Based on the deodorization characteristics of in-situ physicochemical technologies and ectopic physicochemical technologies in aerobic compost, the deodorization mechanisms and characteristics of various physical and chemical technologies were emphatically summarized, the key points and hot topics of each physicochemical technology were analyzed, and the research prospect for efficient physical and chemical deodorization technologies was proposed, showing that the research should be enhanced from the aspects of the deodorization mechanism and model, the physicochemical deodorant materials in high performance, the optimization and innovation of odor precise recovery technologies, and the physical and chemical technology collaborative process. This paper could provide theoretical guidance for the optimization, innovation, and deepened application of physicochemical deodorization technologies.
Key words:
- aerobic composting /
- physical and chemical technology /
- deodorization /
- mechanisms
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