摘要: 城乡河湖水系在防洪排涝、水量保障、水质改善、景观文化等方面发挥着巨大的功能和价值。在高强度人类活动和气候变化影响下,河湖水系受到了多重胁迫,严重影响了河湖生态功能的正常发挥。为了复苏河湖生态,国内外开展了大量的河湖水系连通工程实践。尽管城乡河湖水系连通工程取得了系列成就,但其直接或间接带来的滞后性的生态环境负面影响也相继显现,在部分区域加剧了原有的生态环境问题。因此,以城乡河湖水系演变与驱动为切入点,重点关注城乡河湖水系连通工程对水量、水质、水热、水盐、水生态等带来的正负生态环境效应,并提出了未来的主要研究趋势。研究可为未来城乡河湖水系连通工程减缓或消除负效应、强化正效应提供科学基础。Abstract: Urban-rural rivers and lakes exert tremendous functionality and value in flood control and drainage, water supply assurance, water quality improvement, landscape culture service, etc. However, the increasing impact of intense human activities and climate change poses multiple stressors on river-lake systems, severely disrupting their ecological functions. To resuscitate the ecological health of rivers and lakes, numerous river-lake hydrological connectivity projects have been implemented both domestically and internationally. Despite achieving a series of accomplishments, the connectivity projects have also revealed delayed ecological and environmental negative impacts, exacerbating pre-existing ecological issues in certain regions. Therefore, this study focuses on the evolution and drivers of urban-rural rivers and lakes system, with a particular emphasis on clarifying the positive and negative eco-environmental effects of urban-rural rivers and lakes connectivity on water quantity, quality, temperature, salinity, and ecology, and further proposes future research trends. The study could provide a scientific basis for mitigating or eliminating the negative effects and enhancing the positive effects of urban-rural rivers and lakes connectivity in the future.
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