摘要: 与世界经济快速增长相伴的碳排放量增加导致了全球气候变暖加剧,已引起国际社会高度关注,减排的呼声高涨。卫星遥感具有宏观、快速、定量、准确等特点,是碳监测最可行、最有效的技术支撑手段之一。为解决现有低轨大气CO2遥感探测中存在的时间分辨率低的问题,提出了一种地球静止轨道大气CO2柱浓度探测的时空联合调制空间外差干涉成像光谱技术。基于该技术研制了高轨高时空分辨大气二氧化碳监测仪原理样机,具有O2-A 0.76μm、CO2弱吸收1.57μm和CO2强吸收2.05μm 3个探测通道,空间分辨率优于3 km@36000 km,可实现CO2探测精度优于2×10-6,覆盖中国区域时间分辨率优于3.5 h的探测能力。基于原理样机开展了外场试验以及航飞试验,有效反演了不同目标区域的CO2浓度信息,验证了高轨高时空分辨大气CO2监测仪的技术可行性,为下一代碳监测载荷研制和数据应用提供技术基础。
- 二氧化碳 /
- 卫星遥感 /
- 地球静止轨道 /
- 空间外差干涉成像光谱技术 /
- 时空联合调制
Abstract: The increase in carbon emissions accompanying the rapid growth of the world economy has led to global warming, which has aroused a high degree of concern in the international community and a soaring call for emissions reduction. Satellite remote sensing, with its macro, rapid, quantitative and accurate characteristics, is one of the most feasible and effective technical support for carbon monitoring. In order to solve the problem of low temporal resolution in the existing low-orbit atmospheric CO2 remote sensing detection, a Spatio-Temporal combined modulation spatial heterodyne Interferometric Imaging Spectroscopy technique (STIIS) for atmospheric CO2 column concentration detection in geostationary orbit is proposed. Based on STIIS, a high-orbit, high temporal and spatial resolution atmospheric CO2 monitor prototype has been developed, with O2-A 0.76 μm, CO2 weak absorption 1.57 μm and CO2 strong absorption 2.05 μm detection channels, and a spatial resolution of better than 3 km@36,000 km. The principle prototype can achieve CO2 detection accuracy better than 2×10-6 and time resolution better than 3.5 h covering China. Based on the principle prototype, the field test and flight test have been carried out, effectively inverting the CO2 concentration information of different target areas, verifying the technical feasibility of the high orbit high spatiotemporal resolution atmospheric carbon dioxide monitor, and providing a technical basis for the development and data application of the next-generation carbon monitoring payload. -
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